Well, this is what I have for now. [list] [*]Human Bio:[/*] [*]Name: Shion Takanashi[/*] [*]Age: 15[/*] [*]Gender: Female[/*] [*]Appearance: [url=http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1118240]"A routine? You really want me to waste my time dancing for you?"[/url][/*] [*]Personality: Rude and short-tempered to most people, but nicer and meek when with those she considers her friends. Shion has difficulty with making new friends, since she resorts to biting remarks and unwelcome observations when nervous. Combined with a stubborn refusal to admit wrongdoings, and it's a miracle if you can even see her smile. However, Shion doesn't actively attempt to drive everyone away, and will do whatever she can to make up for her attitude later. Shion is also an avid cheerleader and shoujo manga geek, though she is quite embarrassed to admit the latter, believing it to be a childish thing to like. Not that it would stop her from excitedly rambling about her latest manga-binging when given half a chance. As for cheerleading, Shion is quite skilled and energetic, which contrasts quite heavily with the personality others tend to associate with her. The uninitiated have a habit of falling victim to her harsh criticisms when they attempt to make conversation with the bubbly. peppy girl they see performing routines.[/*] [*]Backstory: Originating from southern Japan, Shion had one friend she was practically inseparable from. Due to her parents' work, however, she had to move roughly three years ago. Having only really been on friendly terms with one person until that point, she had trouble making friends. While that's not as much as an issue as it once was, Shion still has to deal with her unruly reputation. Last year, Shion applied for the Cheerleading squad on a whim, and despite her harsh words, proved to be quite good at the role, and it seems her squadmates have gotten more comfortable around her lately, as well.[/*] [*]Skills: Shion is the head of the Cheerleading Squad, and is also skilled at dancing.[/*] [*]Alter Ego: Riot Lily[/*] ---------------------------- [*]Name: Riot Lily[/*] [*]Gender: Female[/*] [*]Appearance: [url=http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1095570]"It's okay to be inferior, it just means I'll be your shield!"[/url][/*] [*]Personality: Riot Lily seems to view herself as some sort of protector of the weak, and an admittedly arrogant one at that. Seeing herself as the defender of the weak and innocent, Riot Lily will do whatever she can to protect others... even if she may cheerfully point out just how weak her protectee is. Riot Lily's personality seems to flip when excited, however, instead becoming more cold and ruthless. While not downright malicious, Riot Lily is most definitely not fun to be around in this state, with the only constant between the two states being the desire to protect... [i]something[/i]. Anything.[/*] [*]Weapon(s): Two thorned staffs resembling the stem of a flower, topped by a head resembling a cheerleader's pom-pom.[/*] [*]Abilities: Exceptional Agility. She can make the 'pom-pom' on her staffs explode in a flurry of spikes. These take a few minutes to regrow. Additionally, she can enlarge the staffs themselves to ridiculous lengths, as well as the thorns. Funnily enough, the pom-pom's do not change size.[/*] [/list]