The beam within Snarnorgul's massive claw shattered at one end upon hitting what appeared to be another flying dragonoid. These creatures were truly becoming an annoyance to him. Sadly the creature was catapulted out of his reach. Snarnorgul continued to inhale and was about to unleash his surprise on the annoying creature before it suddenly spat an orb of fire at him. Snarnorgul snapped his left fighting arm to defend against it, a moment later the fire collided with it. The impact exploded outward with a roar of fire that left the chitin plates there glowing red hot. However it seemed to barely cause even superficial damage on the tough armored hide. Snarnorgul lowered his massive arm and looked down smugly at the little dragon creature. Heaving, his chest expanded even more but before the blow could be given a voice came. "Excuse my intrusion," a humnoid looking figure with armor and wings called out as he drew some sort of sword, "...but I'll be slaying this beast, he deserves a proper combatant, rather than one bereft of reptilian wings and mutation." Snarnorgul tiled his head at yet another newcomer--they seemed to be crawling out of the abyss!-- regarding the stranger with narrowed fiery deep crimson eyes that promised only death. One great hoof -his uninjured leg- stomped the ground with an agitated movement that shook the earth. "Ready yourself as best you can, beast, though in truth there is little an ant can do in defense against an envoy of Rhay!" With a rumbling growl Snarnorgul's own response to the challenge came quick and decisively, in the form of a vomit of his own just as the man was only 15 feet away assuming he had kept closing in. It was not one of fire or a burning column of flames like the dragons, but instead a great spray of toxic and acid liquids burst forth like the opening of some dam. Having stored this some time now the expulsion of a hail of highly venomous and corrosive stone, flesh, steel, burning stomach acid that if it washed over this new figure, the spray would melt through nearly any material in a matter of seconds and reduce the unfortunate victims to a steaming pile of bubbling goo. The 60 foot radius of the attack easily placed the second dragonoid he had hit in the firing range as well. As he spewed his breath of acid his upper body had shifted forward so that his lower arms hugged the ground supporting some of his weight off his still healing leg.