Kalinda watched Miranda as she walked, thinking you had to have had a family before to have a new one. Yet she didn't speak. The woman had a sense of power, and Kalinda cringed away from that. Everyone she had ever known that claimed she was theirs had had that sense of power, and eventually, didn't matter if it took days, weeks, or months, they always used that power over her, always. Her eyes flickered to the door briefly, but she made no move to try and escape, knowing the woman would be able to stop her. And then she wondered if that's what the woman wanted, for her to think that she couldn't escape, if she wanted to keep her afraid and hurt, so that she wouldn't try to be defiant. Kalinda sat up when the woman returned to the bed, [i]I killed you[/i] rang through her head again and again. She wrapped her arms around her legs, glaring at the woman. If she were dead, what did she have to fear anymore? Nothing. Not this woman, not the world she had introduced her to, not what she had to face now. Oddly enough, the woman had given her a reason to fight back. Still, Kalinda didn't reply for a while, thinking. She didn't move, staring at the woman. Finally, she asked in a toneless voice, "Why?" She thought that there were probably many reasons, but why her? It would be clear that she thought that. She had been told several times in her life that she was nothing. So, why her?