Aaron smiled a bit from Josie's compliment. "There are things that I am not good at." he spoke, looking around for a bit. "I can't cook, for one thing" he laughed a bit. "I use to help my mom sometimes in the kitchen and help her cook. I would get scolded every time for burning the rice. I'm not lying" He smiled a bit more, remembering that fond memory. Soon he saw Josie get up to go get the dinner, coming back with a bowl of rice and chicken which he happily accepted. "Xièxiè" he spoke in his native tongue, with a smile as he started to eat some of it. It was really good, and he knew it because it showed on his face. He set the bowl down on the coffee table and took a sip of his wine, then set it back down. "I haven't traveled anywhere, except maybe to South Korea when I was young, and a little bit of Japan during my High School years. And then here, America which was 5 years ago..." It felt nice to sit here and converse with someone. It had been far too long since he held and active conversation such as this. But Josie was nice, so it made him feel like he belonged in a way. Instead of the outside world that despised him, except for Sean Wesley, his boss.. And the people down in the Underground Subway, like the kids. "You know, I've always wanted to travel back to Taipei, Taiwan... I use to feel homesick upon coming here to New York, but.. It almost feels like a second home, even though Taipei is where I am originally from..." he sighed.