[center][b]Welcome to the Capitol City[/b][/center] The Country of Zhùfú-Guāng is in dire need of rehabilitation after a steep financial crisis. War has killed any semblance of unity. For years, surrounding territories struggled for power within an imperial government system. Unstable growth rates across the empire have stunted trade and lowered the currency value. Now that the central government’s power has weakened, wealthy families are jumping at the chance to exercise their influence. However, rumors speak of royal subjects’ desires to shift the land into a Republic. In these times of distrust and uncertainty, gold and loyalties are either your best friend or worst enemy. As an active member of this RP you will be living in the capital city, Xiàngyáng, as a member of one of the five noble families. Each clan has an agenda to push. -Should I leave overall family motivations open to RP members (like a class system in RPGs), or write descriptions up? -This is not a finalized description by any means. [center][b]Noble Families[/b][/center] [hider=Ou-Yang Clan]Internal conflict is brewing within the imperial family. Emperor Déshèng lies on his death bed, and his children are far too young to take the throne. Family members are conspiring ways to come out on top. For the most part, this clan fights to keep the Country of Zhùfú-Guāng imperialistic to maintain power. However, distant relatives of the Emperor who live in the far North are rumored to entertain the thought of a republic. Members of this clan have the strongest social influence. [/hider] [hider=Chua Clan]Chua is a well-known name throughout the country belonging to Zhùfú-Guāng’s wealthiest family. The main house is not located in the capital city, but there is a manor in town. This clan is heavily invested in trade and stocks. Many family members work in the financing department and have garnished plenty of respect, and fear from associates. At the moment, they’re trying to obtain more land in the south, and are planning on constructing something in the area that will yield profit. How this is done, depends on RP members.[/hider] [hider=Lum Clan]Anyone who has ever had to visit a clinic in Xiàngyáng knows of this family. The clan’s wealth is mostly attributed to medical ventures. Lots of doctors and civil affair workers come from this family. They have a steady trade relationship with the Chua clan, and make tons of profit from selling medicines and medical equipment blue prints. They’re pushing for the Chua clan to make the country’s first surgical hospital. [/hider] [hider=Zheng Clan]The largest library in Zhùfú-Guāng is owned by the Zheng Clan and is said to be hidden somewhere within the main house. Important documents are stored away in the clan’s library. On many occasions, the other noble families will go to them for information. Members of this clan are known to be studious, and are praised for good organizational skills and memory work. Out of all the noble families, the Zheng clan has the largest number of government employees spread throughout the different departments. [/hider] [hider=Xiang Clan]The Xiang Clan is famous for raising war heroes and great generals. They have a strong influence over military conditions and have funded many military related projects within the capital. A member of this family drafted the city guard system, and since then the clan has worked to build guard posts and strengthen the country’s overall security. Besides the Lum Clan, they have the most interaction with townsfolk because of how many family members work in the city watch/guard. They hold public meetings to propose ideas and future plans. [/hider] [hider=Possible Occupations] Ministries: Their will be chief ministers, advisers, educators, managers, secretaries, document workers, and page boys/girls. Not all positions have to be filled. Multiple RP'rs can work in the same department while none work in another. Industry/Trade: Exporting/importing of goods, trade agreements, etc. Finance: Treasury, taxes/tariffs, pay roll, etc. Civil Affairs: Natural/health disaster control Inspection: The inspection agency insures officials are doing their jobs and aren't doing anything corrupt. Legislation: Writing/Passing laws Justice: Interpretation/follow up consequences Foreign Affairs: Keeping relations steady Military/defense: soldiers, police officers, guards, assassins. --- Other Jobs: Grand Advisors: The emperor’s personal advisers. Servants: Maids/messengers (servants can work under ministries as well) Doctors: Medical personnel [/hider] --- [Hider=Character Sheet Requirements] Name: Age: Gender: Occupation: Title: Height: Weight: Personality: History: Skills: Weaknesses: [/hider]