Couple things with the CS, little things that can easily be fixed, nothing major. Biography is fine. They seem to be skilled at, quite literally, [i]everything[/i] short of using two handed weapons. I'm not fond of this. Yes, Eline hired the best, but I don't like it when there isn't something that he isn't skilled at. And while Dese's lack of an ability to communicate can be detrimental at times, it does not outweigh the benefits of being able to do whatever he wants in combat. Aviine has no negatives whatsoever, and even has an added benefit of being a shaman. Speaking of weapons, you have too many. Unless you plan on carting them around in a wagon, which you won't be because you'll be in forests where a wagon won't fit, I don't see how they'll be carrying all of those weapons without being hindered down enough to where they won't be able to maneuver properly. Two different shields, two different swords, two different spears, a scythe, a crossbow, and an axe, in addition to their armors, will simply not do.