Diana only managed a small, uncomfortable smile toward Rayne as he stepped past them, being careful to avoid knocking into anyone, as he was constantly aware that despite his thin frame he was rather tall and awkward. "I'm sure there'll be enough Ray-" he blinked for a second, pausing as Raven took the boxes from him as he stood there in silence glancing between both Rayne and Raven. "-ven." He finally completed, though the delay hadn't occurred at all in his own mind. He shrugged meekly having realized he'd need a different name for each of them and then took to the counter, refiling through a small drawer before coming up with a pizza cutter which he set aside, and two pans. The work was relatively simple, and he didn't bother with the pizza boxes left on the edge of the counter, discarded and nearly out of thought. Quite a bit of time passed, between opening the boxes and removing wrappings, setting the pizzas themselves to their pans and preheating the oven before actually cooking them (thankfully all at the same time given an especially large stove). Even more time passed of course and a quiet buzzer sounded, in this time the two little Rays (of sunshine, and perhaps something darker) had retaken their places on stools, opposite to Diana himself who rested his elbows on the counter-top and balanced himself somewhat comfortably to converse with them about nothing in particular. As the buzzer sounded, he blinked distractedly, losing his train of thought, and turned to get the pizzas out, while slipping on a pair of generic red oven-mitts. It took him a moment, and copious amounts of previous experience to get the four safely to the counter itself. He said in a quiet but still audible voice, no different from his usual tone save for his apparent weariness; "Cheese or Vegetable heh...." and he quickly cut each into pieces with a knowing precision after removing the mitts. He took a slice for himself and shrugged inwardly, leaning again against the counter though he remained upright, and hoping the two were now well distracted, took an awkward bite of his own slice. That's when he very nearly choked. Quite suddenly the larger boy named P-J came rushing into the kitchen, startling Diana momentarily so that he had to stifle a sudden choking cough, accompanied by a lot of rapid blinking for a few seconds. The other boy hurried past him and while saying something, mostly to himself, reached up onto one of the nearby shelves, and brought down ten or so of the heavy dishes at once with ease. Listening closer past his own initial response, Dai could only look down at his feet and mutter in disagreement at the suggestion of washing the dishes by hand, as he knew well enough that it was not nearly as effective, and was somewhat repulsed by the knowledge that they would be left unsanitized. [quote=P-J] "-let Dai go first."[/quote] "Oh erm, I've already had a slice myself... I know Ray-" he gestured to the two vaguely, "already knew what they wanted."