Antoine was a ghost whenever she wanted to be, and that was right now. As she heard Imran provide new target priorities before his drop, she didn't acknowledge but instead simply slunk through to the garage. She was even briefly impressed as she saw a man briefly squint into the darkness, as if searching. It seemed he'd seen her, but she was it was disappointing when it was revealed that he'd just seen an abnormally large mosquito. For a moment, Antoine had hoped that she'd found a worthy foe, but that was quickly dashed. That done, she slid into the hangar with ease and sized it up, surprised to find a pair of mech suits similar to the ones worn by Bjorn and Lana. She hadn't actually expected their foe to have this much gear. 8 Techs surrounded the suits, however since they would be going loud soon, Antoine decided it was time for the gun. Drawing the MP5SD6, She lined up carefully, and in her mind angles, bullet drop, recoil, everything was accounted for. Then, she let rip in short, 3 round bursts, gunning down the tech crew in a matter of moments. She immediately reloaded the gun before putting it back on her webbing. She darted over to the suits and drew a pair of charges, situating them in out of the way spots inside the suits, so that the explosions would still devastate the armor and the people inside it. Then, she turned her eyes to the rest of the bay, and found a pair of BTRs and a Russian-made T-90 Main Battle Tank. These people were packing a lot of heavy armor, however that didn't matter to Antoine. "[i]This will be fun to watch.[/i]" Antoine thought to herself as she slid, catlike, into the tank and dropped a demo charge into the pile of shells. Similar charges were placed on the engine blocks of both BTRs, but now she was out of explosives, so she had to leave. Snaking out, she heard the sound of Imran and Yumi's vehicles landing. Shortly after, she was ordered to prevent forces from going deeper into the complex, and she said softly "Aye Aye sir." Sneaking into the complex proper was easy with so many people distracted by Imran's less than discrete entrance. Once inside, she set up choke-points at two key areas, the stairs and the elevator. Though she lacked any explosives, it would be easy to prevent people from entering or leaving the compound. Entering the elevator, she used her Camilius to pry off the cover over the buttons and promptly made 4 slashes on the interior, ruining the elevator so it couldn't be used. Then, she calmly settled in a dark corner of the stairwell, silenced P226 in one hand and a throwing knife in the other. Like a vengeful spectre, Antoine was ready to kill all the living who dared approach her.