As the class 1-B made its way around yet another corner in Gunryo's winding hallways, getting closer to the entrance, Kokoro got a view of whatever was going on. Sort of. Not really. It must have been pretty big. One of Gunryo's elite was out there, standing on a large stage accompanied by one other student. Whoever [i]that runt[/i] was. She recognized the bigger one; Archie van Zant. He was a major hotshot around here; Kokoro had only heard his name mentioned twenty times in the last week, nineteen times out of fear and one when he introduced himself to all the students that showed up at the start of every school year. This year, Kokoro was among the new arrivals. It was as Kokoro herself turned the corner, however, that she walked face-first into something. After taking a moment to regain her balance, she locked eyes with the object. It looked like a guitar case or something similar, carried by another student. The girl looked familiar enough, but it was hard to tell from behind. Still, Kokoro did what she would have done anyway. Get kinda mad about it and say something to the person she thought was responsible; the one carrying this case. In particular, her specific actions were to walk right up next to the person in question, point at the case she was carrying, and say "Watch where you're swingin' that thing." Kokoro would have liked to hit her, but that felt like a bad idea if she was heading to wherever Archie van Zant was, if his reputation was anything to base her impressions of the guy from.