It was some kind of stage... and some kind of huge jackass on it. And some much smaller person or whatever, for the moment Minako's thoughts where on other things. Yeah, she knew some things about Gunryo... but she hadn't exactly been focusing on the student roster unless she thought they might help her find where her sister was. So while the bigger seemed vaguely familiar to her, she didn't recognize him on sight. She head some people mention a name, but she was so focused on thoughts of her sister that she didn't really notice. It was probably for this reason that she didn't realize someone was walking towards her until the collided with her case. Minako rocked slightly, and swiftly turned to face the perpetrator. Who had just blundered into her like that? It's not like she was hard to see how something. And... it was a girl. A girl that looked pretty familiar... Kokoro? Yeah, it was Kokoro, from her class. She was pretty hard to forget, really. But it didn't really matter who it was. She must've really not been paying attention or something. Minako shrugged. "Sorry," she began. She wasn't exactly regretful. Sure, she wasn't completely paying attention, but it didn't mean that she invisible or something. "But it looks like you weren't watching where you were going."