Count me as interested Human Bio: Name: Timothy James Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: Tall with a stocky build, short dark brown hair and eyes, usually wears a t-shirt, jeans and flannel. Wears gray collared shirts at work. Personality: A mature young man, well respected by his peers, Tim is the kind of person who likes to get things done himself, taking the initiative when it comes to any task, big or small. He speaks with an open and honest mind, which in some cases because of his laid back attitude, can come off as rude and unkind. Despite this flaw, those who personally know him, know of his honest nature. His laid back attitude is masking another, darker side, one filled with a bubbling anger, waiting to be unleashed. While most of the time he keeps a pretty good lid on it, frequent irritations and unwanted drama can unleash the beast within. Backstory: Tim was born and raised by an abusive father, one who traumatized him both physically and emotionally. When the time to leave finally came, he took the opportunity. He began studying at college, but after a semester realized that it wasn’t a good fit for him. He wanted to be more productive and instead decided to go into the work force, taking on the same field his mother did; opticianry. Skills: Because of Tim’s size and build he is incredibly strong, and can hold his own, but lacks any real endurance. His intelligence is above average, having some knowledge in computers and electronics. Alter Ego: Aloros Adad Alter Ego Bio: Name: Aloros Adad Gender: Male Appearance: An extremely tall man, rippling with muscle and skin as tan as leather. His hair is a deep burgundy, dredlocked and reaching down the length of his back, his eyes glow red with the fires of his rage. The armor he wears has a mysteriously rocky and metallic tinge and the style is reminiscent to carvings of ancient Babylonian tablets. Personality: Aloros, is rage incarnate. A fearless berserker, angered by the pain caused by the sins of a cruel father, he is a rampaging destroyer. Despite his pain fueled rage, he directs it with righteous justice. He is a firm believer in the strong protecting the weak, and while his rage may be considered to some as irrational, he only uses it for what he believes to be the best of intentions. Weapon(s): Meteor Hammer: This weapon isn’t actually a hammer; the weapon can be effectively called a “Bastard Cleaver”. The meteor hammer is a product of legend, it is said that the gods themselves gathered around a neutron star and began an intense smithing process which resulted in the star being folded upon 1000 times, thus forging the blade. The weapon is so immensely dense that no being, mortal or otherwise, can lift it. Yet Aloros’ sheer fury filled willpower, not only allows him to lift the sword, but also effectively use it in combat. Why call a sword a meteor hammer? Because it is said, that those who are struck by the blade, feel the force of a falling star obliterating them. Abilities: Incredible strength and willpower, along with control over fire and water.