Hiiiiiii~~! See that, err'body?! Told you Ergo would be back and that forcing me into mutiny with all of you was a bad idea...!!! -tsk-tsks- >,> Right. K, so hiiiiii! Ergo and good to know you're back^^ But like yeah, that kinda stuffs sound pretty pretty rough sooooo... yeah, sads. And hope that gets all sorted too. Take care, k? But... before you go, can you please help this bunny understand somethings about what you wrote about Aimee... and MEEE! [quote=Ergo] It gives the reader a form of metacognitive effect, as if the character is aware of its own nature. However, the way you write outside of your character is quite similar to the opposite, i.e., the style. This implies that you are playing yourself or substantial parts of yourself. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but I would be cautious with this approach. [/quote] So yeah, I looked up metacognitive and my bunny brain kinda sorta gets it. A little? Sooo... are you saying that it looks like Aimee knows too much about her condition? Cuz part of the way I wrote the charrie sheet was to show her personality but somehow mix in that she has been dealing with this since she was younger and that quiet peeps can be introspective and reflective yet have funny thoughts and that she doesn't want to hide behind her condition and see herself as a victim even though she blames herself for a whole bunch of peeps dying around her. And yush, Aimee does talk a lot like me cuz mebbe I am projecting just a bit of Bunnita in there. K, so maybe more than just a bit... :3 BUT! I know that I am sooooo not her. It's just this bunny lurvs to write charrie sheets in first person. Like if you want, I can link you out some other charries I've made to show that I can RP charries that are not like me? But yeah, thank you for saying nice things about my charrie sheet! ;D I really really dids work really hard on it ^-^! I like the other charries toooo! Like I think we make for a nice cast with enough tension between us. And even though we're not close enough to be a tightly knit group, we gots just enough history together to make it natural that we'd look out for each other if bad things started. LURVS~~<3!! Well done, err'body!!!