[quote=Patches] Selkie nodded, the gruff voice startling him at first, the soft growl giving him an idea of what she could possibly be; a mammalian creature of sorts maybe. Personally, he didn't know if the males in his race were as girly as himself or if it was just him. He's never met any other harpies in his life. With the short response that Zexel gave him, the effeminate male searches for another subject to hop on, to continue their conversation."S-so.. What brought you to this school, Zexel?" He didn't look up at her, staring down at his knees the whole time. He finally looked up at Zexel, making eye contact... Well, at least trying to make contact, it's kind of hard at the angle he is at. "Personally, I came here to get to know more about monsters... I grew up raised by humans..." [/quote] Watching the much smaller creature beside her, the boyish girl's deep blue eyes blinked slowly as she listened to another question. Not sure why this male was speaking to her, she gave a slow nod. "About the same... Learning of other creatures." She answered, her tall lean body shifting slightly as she examined the male avian beside her. Should she try interacting in return? He didn't seem dangerous at least. "Were you suggested here by family?" She asked.