Dorian moves quickly, not wanting to leave the boy on his own for too long. In the room he checks the stove to make sure that the remnants of burnt clothing are completely ash, and checks the bed for any signs of blood. Once he is sure everything is in order he scoops up his travel bag, a carrier pouch that hangs from one shoulder the strap across his chest. The fine dark brown leather matches his outfit along with his air of one who is no stranger to the finer things in life. With one last glance around the room he gives a nod and heads out into the hall. [i]'Not an unpleasant place to stay. Perhaps if the staff were a bit more subtle in their ways. . .'[/i] He puts on one of his best smiles as he comes to the front desk. He decides to not negotiate with the woman, simply paying the sum she asks for. This makes her rather happy and he has to fight not to pull his hand back when she presses a grateful kiss to it. With all his business taken care of he heads out to the street. The hard cobbles beneath his feet are alive with the clicking sounds of many feet not too far away, but in front of the inn itself seems to be less busy than one street to either side. He hums softly as he wanders towards the stable swiftly only to break into a slight run at the sound of a horse's scream. At the door to the building he stops only long enough to assess the situation. The girl, the one he assumes was sent to the stable to deliver what he asked for, stands against a stall door, her arms wrapped tightly around the parcels in his arms. His steed is rearing and plunging, shaking it's head wildly, while off to the side just out of reach the young vampire shuffles across the ground away from the upset animal. Like lightning Dorian darts across the distance between them and, taking a tight hold on the collar of the boy's shirt, tosses him into a pile of hay nearby away from danger. Turning back towards the upset beast he motions for the girl to remain still and with practiced ease he moves to stand in close to the horse. The girl simply nods, pulling her arms in tighter. [i]'Now to calm you down Horace'[/i] Pulling his lips tight, tongue tucked behind teeth, Dorian lets out a shrill whistle that makes the stallion turn towards him. Still spooked it rears again, but Dorian dodges as the thick hooves come down and reaches out for the beast's head. Having been in the stable for a few days he has no harness, however Dorian is strong enough to just grip the muzzle bare handed to keep hold of Horace. The stallion tries a few more times to rear but Dorian is talking to him, shushing him, muttering nonsensical words and with a loud huff he eventually quiets down. Still to frightened to approach the girl watches as Dorian looks the beast over. Upon finding a small patch of blood around a very recognizable set of puncture wounds the elder's head snaps around to give James a sharp look before he reaches in his bag to retrieve something. Always ready to cater to his horses, Dorian produces a bottle of a thick green poultice and begins applying it to the wound. [i]'At least it's not deep. I guess I over estimated the little one'[/i] Glancing over at the boy once more he give him a little tilt of the head, beckoning him over.