I'm not your guy friend Pure ghost: Name: Miss Blue Age: ??? Gender: Female Appearance: [img=http://www.hdwallpapers4ipad.com/_ph/3/808427561.jpg] Blue hair, blue lips, nails painted blue, but with purple eyes. Always seen with a hookah attatched by the belt on her hip and the pipe in her hand. Blue smoke always billows around her; she wears a black dress with a high collar that stops at mid-thigh where the rest of her body is all ghost-like. Chains bind her hands to the hookah pipe and go from her neck to the other hand. Very voluptuous and curvy. Ghost abilities: Miss Blue can puff the blue smoke she always huffs from her hookah to make toxic gasses that fill a room. She may also puff smoke rings, which can bind and trap an opponent, allowing her to do what she pleases to whomever is there. She is able to change the flavor, and therefore the scent of the tobacco. Differenct scents cause different effects to those she uses her hookah on. Personality: Though initially Miss Blue appears to be a sultry woman she uses her bodily figure to her advantage. She wil use her body against any man or woman that hesitates because of her appearance. However she is very manipulative and loves nothing more than to prey on the dark desires of hormonally challenged teens or even unfaithful adults. She hates to be told she's wrong. In life she considered herself a dominatrix and likes to hold on to her power. However, since she is no longer able to push control over people as she once could she has to settle for whispering in the ears of the living. Miss Blue doesn't care. In fact, she loves it. Short history of life: In life, Miss Blue was known as Dahlia Mirira. Strangely, she took to the color blue constantly growing up. Dying her hair blue, buying blue lipstick, using blue eye shadow, blue nail polish. Anything she could make blue was just that. It even carried over in her life as a grown woman, when she made the decision to run a brothel carefully hidden from the law, and she ran it well. Her dominatrix name was 'Miss Blue,' and she was known in her area as a respectable brothel own, ironically. She sold drugs but only used her hookah to smoke tobacco, slept only with men who made her laugh while treating her like the 'queen' she was. Her girls were treated well, there was no disrespect and everyone seemed happy. She loved her hookah and took it with her everywhere, indulging on the finest flavors of tobacco. She was one of the most sought out women in the area, and to actually be with the head of a brothel seemed to be quite a feat. She constantly had body guards around her, one could even say she was the queen of a small drug and sex empire. At least, for her area in the city. One man in particular, a regular customer, always came back to visit his favorite girl. There was a dispute however, and he began to get too rough with her. Thus in the business fashion of a brothel, Dahlia saw to it that he was escorted off the premises, and things went back to normal for a while. One night during a small party in the brothel house, Dahlia walked to her car alone to get more tobacco for her hookah. She grabbed it and went to relight the glass smoking device when the former regular attacked her. He strangled her to death with the hose of her hookah, causing her face to turn blue from the lack of oxygen. He left her on the pavement and spit on her corpse before making his escape. Short history of afterlife: In Death, Dahlia chose not to use her name and went instead with the name given to her in her brothel. Miss Blue lived contently in the ghost world, smoking her hookah as she pleased. She hoped to one day return, to one day make others plea for mercy. Ah how she missed those days.... Other: [i]"Sweet Miss Blue, How do you do? Sorry I know it's late, Sorry but I can't wait? (Are you lying?)"[/i]