@TimasheTiger: Okay, I think I need to clarify some things before continuing. This is a deeply-anime styled RP that is intended to take place in Japan. While this certainly doesn't prevent characters from other nationalities being involved, they would naturally be a minority. The rules of the Dreamtime also state that these characters [i]must[/i] know each other at least somewhat well for their Alter Egos present near one another. There has to be some explanation for them knowing Kazuko, especially, given that her coma and what that means in the Dreamtime are the initial hook for the plot. Basically what I'm getting at is that characters from English-speaking countries should not be the majority given how things are set up. Your character... lacks all of that. In addition he's an optician at only 19 years old, after dropping out of college? I don't think that's really possible. I'm pretty lenient with young ages for professions but this seems a bit extreme to me. The biggest problems seem to be in his Alter Ego, though. To begin with, the name doesn't fit. Keep in mind that Alter Egos have names that have no relation to anything a human could ever be called. Stuff like Black Storm Barrage, Riot Lily, Red Star Vermilion, Rise Heart, Resolve, it has no relation to human names. The extent of his powers aren't explained at all, as well. @nuttyjigs: The Alter Ego must be the same gender as the human self is. However, they can be just as androgynous as the human self, or even moreso given that physical exaggeration is involved in some Alter Egos.