Let me say this immediately: Nope. All of my nope. My character Wallace could fight this guy on relatively decent ground and possibly have trouble and he's the CRUTCH character of this play through. You'll need to significantly reduce the amount of techniques he has here. I suppose his age could be allowed depending on what the other characters ages are. I was aiming for a slightly younger early twenties at the most for most of the characters however. Makarov doesn't exist nor has any of his family members nor any canon characters. And unless I missed something he pretty much has no reason to have Dragon Slayer powers because it seems he has no connections at all. He's not a first generation and he is not rich enough nor important enough to afford such things. Wallace Wilmore comes from a wealthy family and they used this fact to give him the lacrima or whatever it's called to turn him into a Gen 2 slayer.