Name: Alecar Drey, Alias: Sektor Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 28 Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa Profession: Professional Bounty Hunter/Assassin Appearance: Unarmored: [url=], Armored: [url=] Personality: A disciplined and highly-trained mercenary, Alecar exhibits traits not normally seen in bounty hunters. He has a strict code of honor he upholds and will not bend it for anyone or anything and will even outright decline high-paying bounties simply if it forces him to break his code. He comes off as cold and uncaring towards those he meets, preferring to converse in short, blunt responses as opposed to small talk. He is ruthless towards his targets, but not cruel and strongly opposes torture as a method. He is almost robotic in how he kills opponents, letting discipline and the objective guide his actions as opposed to a hunger for cruelty or pain. Though he doesn't trust easily, he will develop a strong connection towards his allies and those he calls 'friends', showing a new side underneath his icy exterior. As a personal oath, he has vowed against drinking alcohol in any form, no matter the quantity. Bio: Alecar was born on the Smuggler's Moon. His mother, a former dancer and stripper at a cantina quickly ran off after Alecar was born; leaving him in the care of his father, a former smuggler turned cargo pilot. His father was devastated at the loss of his wife and turned to drink as a solution. Though never beaten by his father, Alecar nonetheless had to live life relatively self-supporting, learning how to take care of himself from an early age onward. He left his father's house at the turn of his 18th birthday, going off to start a career as a bodyguard. He had a natural skill when it came to combat and discovered that more opportunities started to open up for his services. As the Clone Wars ended and the Galactic Empire was established, Alecar thought his potential would be much better spent as a professional bounty hunter. His already large reputation bolstered as he completed contracts and soon he became a widely feared bounty hunter. Operating under the alias of Sektor. Buying a ship as soon as he could, he left Nar Shaddaa and journeyed out across the stars, eventually entering Teemo the Hutt's service. He served the Hutt for a few years as his personal assassin and bodyguard. However, disgusted both by his service to the Hutt and intrigued by the Mandalorian Huntress Ruusaan, Alecar fled Teemo's palace; shooting anyone who tried to stand in his way without mercy. Teemo was furious and issued a high-stakes bounty (ironically) on the bounty hunter, making him a high-risk, high-reward target. Weapons: Dual DC-17 Hand Blasters equipped with extended barrels for increased accuracy/range, Vibrodagger, Wrist-mounted flamethrower and grappling hook, and mini concussion rocket, Gear/Equipment/Items: Datapad, three or four stimpacks, comlink, JT-12 jetpack, and armor. Alecar's armor is an advanced make, equipped with lightweight durasteel plates on a skin-tight fiber weave fabric, allowing for moderate protection as well as ease of movement. Alecar's helmet is equipped with a targeting system, comlink, and access to a costantly-updated database with information on weapons, targets, and locations as necessary for research. Also as a recreational feature, it comes with speakers on the inside of the helmet to play music. Obligations: Bounty: wanted captured alive or dead by crime lord Teemo the Hutt. If alive, bounty hunter will receive 1,000,000 standard credits in reward. If killed, upon proof of death, bounty hunter will receive 500,000 standard credits in reward. Gallery: Armor: [url=], [url=]. Unarmored: [url=]