[quote=Ghost Shadow] Name: HK-51, answers to the designation: HavokRace: HK-51 Assassination DroidGender: N/A - Male ProgrammingAge: Unknown. Active for at least 10 years. Homeworld: UnknownProfession: Bounty Hunter/Assassination Droid/Bodyguard Droid Appearance: Havok's model, though appearing dated; shows recent signs of renovation and repair. His durasteel-colored plating will shine occasionally, as if freshly polished, his photoreceptors will glow an acid-colored yellow, along with multiple nodes and light fixtures on the rest of his platform, most especially one on the center of his 'chest'. His platform is stall, standing about 6'7" in height and weighing well over 250 pounds. Though light enough to be able to move with both speed and agility, Havok's sturdy, durable frame allows him to function a variety of weapons without suffering the main disadvantages of recoil. Personality: An advanced behavior core, coupled with years without a memory wipe have caused Havok to develop his own personality based around his own profession. His behavior mirrors that of a sociopath with violent behavior and he has an unending hunger to cause death and destruction wherever he goes. Built without empathy or compassion in mind, Havok finds these emotions tactical weaknesses to be manipulated by enemies and maintains a cold, cruel persona, showing no restraints in causing harm to any organics he meets. However, besides these traits; he displays a snarky, if not dry, sense of humor and is never without a witty, sometimes misplaced comment in a conversation. He views himself above organics and even most other assassination droids, considering himself a 'genius of engineering' as opposed to being a 'junkyard heap of scrap metal'. He will, however, show a sense of subservience and loyalty to his allies. Be them his rightful 'owner' or 'master' or not. He will go to great lengths to protect those deemed as his wards and will even sacrifice his platform for his allies. Bio: Little is known of Havok's past. The HK-51 Assassination droid was mainly produced during the Old Republic era. It is theorized by some that Havok is the attempted experiment to recreate the HK-51 model by simply emulating its platform with different protocols and algorithms within. He came into the service of Teemo the Hutt at an unknown time and date, serving as the Hutt's personal assassin and bodyguard when necessary. Though it was a distasteful and oftentimes thankless task, Havok served his post willingly for years until the Mandalorian huntress Ruusaan was captured for attempting to steal from the Hutt. Believing her innocence, Havok disassociated himself from Teemo and helped her escape, slaughtering anyone who tried to get in his way. Havok is now also on the run from Teemo as a freelance bounty hunter. Weapons: Havok's main arsenal of weaponry consists of an A-280 Blaster Rifle and DL-44 Heavy Blaster pistol as a sidearm. His frame does come equipped with other forms of weaponry as well, however, such as a wrist-mounted flamethrower and shock-arm. Havok also has a few thermal detonators stored for use against multiple enemies. Gear/Equipment/Items: Havok carries no special gear aside from his weapons and ammunition, however he can record video feeds and take pictures with his photoreceptors, as well as connect himself to most computer systems for better access. Obligations: Bounty: Wanted captured or destroyed. If active, return to Teemo for payment of 1,000,000 galactic credits. If destroyed, upon proof of evidence, bounty hunter will be payed 500,000 galactic credits. Gallery: Havok: Weapons: Rifle: (Note: There is no Rebel Alliance symbol on the gun), Pistol: [/quote] Hate to be the bearer of bad news but that droid model is too ancient for these times.... during the Empire...