Of course, this was not one of Rashim’s lucky days. His eyes cast about in the largely open room for one of the proctors, his eyes, however, landed on his only other sibling to be taking the trials. The teen was the youngest of the five, and in last place of their fathers favor. He seemed to enjoy himself more of the time, or more than the rest of his siblings. The blonde boy was smiling and speaking to a small group of various beastkin and humans, ones that Rashim had never seen him with. Shaking his head, the blonde turned his eyes from the small scene of camaraderie and continued his search for a proctor of the trials. There, off to the left, an old man in one of the black robes with Rin’s symbol embroidered in blood red across the front. Grizzled looking features, and a scowl that seemed to scream to stay away from him, and it seemed to be working. The man didn’t have a single person in his immediate vicinity. With a faint smile, the blonde headed that direction, brushing through the small masses of people that had made it through the door already from the courtyard. The man’s scowl intensified as he drew nearer, and finally spoke when he broke free of the crowds and stood before him in an open space. “Go away boy, you’d only fail my test.” “We will not know that until we try,” Rashim replied with steel and conviction in his voice. “You only get the one chance, are you sure you’d like to waste it here?” The old man stated coldly, as if warning him off. He wasn’t wrong. This was definitely the Magic proctor for him.