(I'll take a few things for granted ion this next post, seeing how you mentioned your character had been along for a while now in your two last posts :P) Miranda did not move from her position this time, she remained close by the girl, on the bed. ''I would love to tell you because I felt like it, but that would be a lie.'' She said first, her eyes looking right through Kalinda's, as if staring at a distant past. She was quick to come back to her sense, though, and continue. ''You know part of the answer already, I think. I have been observing you as best I could in the past weeks, you see. You seemed alone and without any goal. You were trying to advance in life with absolutely nothing. I took that [i]nothing[/i] away from you at the same time I did your life. In the undeath, the Requiem, you will not be troubled by such things as goals and loneliness. You will have a lot to learn first, but then, by serving me and my interests as my Childe, you won't have any time to lament on yourself anymore.'' Miranda was straight to the point and disliked to take any kind of detours when it came to explaining things to anyone. She was not above lies, however, or hiding all the facts. The real reason Kalinda was turned was because the vampire Primogen had seen something in the Kine that she was, enough so that it brought her great interest. In fact, Miranda counted herself lucky to have been the one to find the girl first, and not another clan. ''By now you should, or should not, know exactly what you, what I and all of our kind, are. Do you?'' he smiled and laughed calmly ''We call ourselves Kindreds but the Kines, humans, calls us Vampires. Cursed children of the night, but it really is not so bad, you will see. You have a lot to learn about our society, but all will be done in due time. For now...'' The Vampire raised her arm and clicked her fingers together, signaling someone outside. The door opened to let three persons in; two man holding someone who had a piece of cloth wrapped around his head to keep him from talking and seemed to be very afraid. They threw the man inside the room and went back outside, closing the door behind them. The man clumsily crawled back to the door, but it refused to open so he crawled to the corner of the room. ''...you are hungry, I presume? You must be, there's no other choice. That feeling you have inside is the urge to feed on blood. We Daevas like our blood fresh, and things like homeless, drug addicts or prostitutes is of no quality. This man is, or was, an influential business man. He will do just fine for your first time. Remember, there will never be a second time like the first...'' Miranda stood up and walked to the begging man, asking to spare his life. She obviously didn't listen to a word he was saying. Without any effort, surprisingly, the woman took the man by the collar and brought him up to the bed, holding him down closer to Kalinda. ''...So enjoy.''