He stood there for a moment, thinking. So she thought he'd gone away from his only steady employment, and decided with no one watching her, she would be off free. "There's an issue with that. Even if I had left, your father would likely pay a high sum of money to have me found, considering he'd think it's my fault, and I'd probably be killed if you left. And since I hadn't... It would only make it easier." The words didn't really carry any weight to them, considering he'd caught her, however accidentally it may have been. Sighing, he stood up, before retrieving his daggers. Sliding them into their sheathes, it was made clear that they weren't from nowhere, they were just hidden beneath extra leather straps on his armor. Once his daggers were in their places, he sheathed his sword, jerking it from the wooden dummy with a thunk. "Come on Calliope." His voice was much softer than usual, and he didn't say anything else. Instead, he waited for Calliope to follow him, as he led the way back into the manor. Once inside, he would lead her past his room, to her own. He would wait at the door for her, expecting her to say something in confusion. Clearly though, just leaving her to her own devices wouldn't be healthy for her, considering the tears on her face, nor for his own employment.