Ace stepped back from the shuttle as Wrenchie announced that the work was done and gave a nod of approval. The flight parameters he had inputted seemed to be working properly, at least on the simulations he had requested Dora to run. He was sure that if he crashed and died he would have quite a few choice words to tell the ship's computer. He then headed to his locker at the hangar, he had placed all of the things he thought he would need for a shuttle mission in there just so that they were readily available. He quickly put on his flight suit, making sure to leave his revolver on the outside of it. THAT was a mistake he would never make again, specially since it had made high-g maneuvering very uncomfortable. When he was sure everything was ready he headed into the shuttle, sitting in the cockpit, placing his SMG on a secure shelf next to him and putting on his russian tank helmet before starting the procedure to "wake up" the vessel. He was done quickly, the engines starting with an electrical sound before the nozzles lit up with a dim blue glow from the thrust system coming online. "Ace here on the shuttle, primary systems are go, secondary are all green. We're ready for departure, tovarish captain." He said into the intercomm, faking a russian accent. He grinned and turned around, looking towards the cargo/passenger bay. "Let's go, bratishka!" He yelled back at them. It was something Ace did quite often, using old russian terms, just like his helmet, when out on a mission. The ship he had been born and raised in had a high number of old russians, mostly war veterans so he had picked up a thing or two from them.