[b]Human Bio[/b]: Name: Kawaguchi Reo Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: [url=http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1231739]"You want help with your homework, Mio?"[/url] Personality: Reo is, by all accounts, the [i]perfect[/i] student: unfailingly polite, works hard and on time, and on top of that highly intelligent. About the only thing to question is her lack of friends and social engagements. She's certainly never rude... but she never seems to get close to anybody. All in all, she's actually quite lonely and would love to actually be able to share her feelings with people. Instead, she just keeps to herself. She's warmer with her sister, but that's still not really close enough... Backstory: When the old student council president moved school, halfway through the previous year, Reo was elected to take her place. Thus, a student in her sister's class falling into a coma has required her attention: even though she may not have known the girl except in passing, her position demands at least some attention. Skills: [i]Excellent[/i] academic ability; like her younger sister she studies hard... but unlike Mio, Reo hasn't dropped below the top ten of the national rankings for her entire career. On top of this, she's very good at finding things in a library due to a part-time job. Alter Ego: Radiant Blossoming Apparition [b]Alter Ego Bio[/b]: Name: Radiant Blossoming Apparition Gender: Female Appearance: Radiant Blossoming Apparition shares Reo's overall body type: tall, leggy, and with at least [i]some[/i] figure. On the other hand... she's got much, much, much longer hair, and if it wasn't for her ability, it would be constantly trailing along the ground for over a metre. Instead, the white strands do double-duty as clothing, taking the shape of a swimsuit and generally keeping out of the way. Personality: Much like Reo underneath her cold façade, Radiant wants to be close to people. [i]Very[/i] close, and she doesn't handle rejection well. Given that she's also a hard worker... well, it tends to lead to dogged persistence in trying to get other people to like her, even if this means being clingy and disturbingly friendly. She doesn't take rejection well at all, though it's rather more violent than Reo's 'go eat icecream and study' response. Weapon(s): The Spear of Learning: Also known as an enormous, green-and-gold fountain pen. It's mostly used for stabbing, and has no real exceptional abilities beside also being useful for secondary duty as the pen it is. Abilities: Her hair? It can be controlled, and reinforced to the point it can pull duty as armour and weapon at the same time. When she's fighting, it definitely does [i]not[/i] spend time wrapped around her body: the full enormous length unravels at once, giving her plenty of range--and something else to wield her pen in. Or stab people with. Or try and catch weapons with. It's handy, to say the least.