Mylik was kinda confused when Rane walked away. Kiaslikians hardly ever fought each other, they just didn't see what it resolved. Neither did Mylik. He tried calling after Rane to stop so he could figure out what exactly was going on, but his voice was too quiet and the lizard had already stomped his way halfway down the hallway by the time Mylik got it out. Even though Mylik had installed half the ships security systems already, so he didn't see a problem with messing with the camera, he responded to the Canmorians and put it back anyway. He couldn't manage to do much with it, besides, so the cameras would just have to work as they did. He didn't at all want to fight the angry alien, but he did want to see if he could get something sorted out that didn't end in getting hit. Mylik had always preferred more diplomatic solutions. So he went invisible and followed after Rane, he sort of stalked the guy until they landed at the training room. Just at that moment a voice came over the intercom from Wrenchie telling the others that he had finished his job on the ship and another voice followed shortly after calling for the ground team. [i]So the missions finally starting,[/i] he thought to himself, hopefully their duties on board the ship would distract Rane from anymore anger towards him, but didn't really believe that bit of hope. Oh well, maybe he could end any bad blood between them now. He stayed invisible, but while cloaked he said to Rane "Uh...this is Mylik speaking. You probably can't see me right now, unless your species has a sort of vision I don't know about. But...uh...well, I just wanted you to know that I don't have any sort of strong dislike for you and I never meant any harm or offense to you. If I've done something to offend you than I apologize, but attempting to beat each other's faces in won't do any good for anyone." Mylik, ever oblivious to social ques, didn't realize that he might of hurt the Canmorians feelings by backing up and leaving the conversation earlier, and he hoped that Rane didn't have good enough hearing or observational skills to follow the sound of his voice. In his mind, this was all really irrational and silly. What did Rane hope to accomplish?