Alright, personality adjustment for my character who, by the way, is Australian. [b]Personality[/b] Ironclad is everything Gregory is not; whereas the boy is hospitable, his Alter Ego is troublesome. While Greg withstands conflict, Ironclad seeks it. Human tact and rationality is replaced by an iron will and nerves of steel. This warrior spirit is quick to pick a fight and brutal to its enemies. Additionally, Ironclad is somewhat of a bully. Even among friends' egos Ironclad can be cantankerous and unpleasant, always trying to hurt someone mentally if not physically. These traits make Ironclad seem heartless and cruel—a monster. However, Ironclad isn't entirely a battle-craving brawler. He's also somewhat accepting deep within, and can make steadfast allies or even get along with a foe that surrendered to him. His confidence rivals his loyalty in terms of strength, and despite his intimidating appearance he can be rather humorous. When fighting without any of his weapons -which is rare- Ironclad uses a distinctive kickboxing style. Finally, he talks with an exaggerated version of Greg's own Australian accent.