Hey Everyone I’m looking for a zombie partner! I only have a few ideas so you can pick one or if you have an idea just let me know so here are my ideas: 1. My character and yours joins forces and travel to a safe heaven across the country. 2. My character and yours are wanted by the military so we are on the run from them. 3. My character has to escort your character to a cure research center to make a cure. 4. On the mission for the military goes wrong for our characters and when they ask for help from the military they ignore them and now they have to deal with the crazed survivors around them. 5. Our characters crash into each other while running away from zombies and they get stuck in a building over night so they get to know each other till they get out then decide to stick together. So these are my ideas so if your interested then send me a PM also I only RP in PM, my grammar is not that good, have to post at least once a day, I only play female roles, and let me know if your not interested anymore. I’ll do more RPs with different topics later I just want to get back into RPing with something I love.