Cadogan blinked his eyes a few times. No one told him these were going to be proper inventor's games - as in you have to INVENT something on the spot. He took a deep breath and gently lowered his forehead to rest against his workbench. There he remained for nearly three minutes, silently repeating a word that starts with the letter c and rhymes with a punt. When he had composed himself, managed to clean up his language - and emptied what remained of his bottle of wine - the Great Inventor took one of the parchment rolls he had saved from Dumont and rolled it open. A little vexed smirk decorated the white haired man's lips as he began making calculations about the time it would take him to make both the weapon AND the damn munitions to it. He was quite sure that he could succeed - though being sure about things was not at the moment what Cadogan was best at. Still he wouldn't give up so easily! Not before the whole games had even begun properly! He glanced at Chii and smirked. "Ok, since you are my assistant during this event would you please get me some wine? That would be really nice." Cadogan didn't wait for an answer - instead he began the work of bending and shaping metal. He added to himself that there would be no time to make wooden stock for the thing he was building - so he'd have to come up with an alternative solution. As he worked the Great Inventor seemed to ignore everything that was going around him - at the moment that was for the best, since he was working at a very tight schedule.