And as quickly as it had come upon them the moment had passed. Though while it had been it had lingered far longer than it truly had. Around Shigetoshi the sound of people talking came back full force as if for that brief moment nothing else existed beyond their small table. The young Inn Keeper mulled over than as their silence lengthened. Not that he had anything else really to say after that. Plus, concentrating on the food was a suitable distraction from his fears of what the man next to him really was. And then dinner was over. The Fujiwara sisters were eyeing Tatsuki again. Shigetoshi was instantly grateful they never looked at him like that. Besides the fact he was [i]secretly[/i] gay, he also didn't believe in sleeping with paying customers. There was no honor in such a thing. Shigetoshi finished his meal with that thought. He gently rested his chopsticks down and began to gather up the used plates around him. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the younest Fujiwara sister move in. "Tatsuki. The dinner was delicious." She smiled broadly as her other sister joined her. "Indeed. Where did you learn to cook so well for one so young?" The middle sister slid up next to Tatsuki, nearly on his mat. Shigetoshi made a funny little noise in the back of his throat causing the two girls to glare at him. And being the coward he was, he grabbed the plates and utensils he had already gathered and left Tatsuki to fend for himself.