She sensed the new presence more than she saw it, her unique charm with the dark allowed her to pick up movement almost as immediately as it happened and track it down. She wasn't hardly affected by the sound of the tune the man was making, seemed like something any psycho would make, but she wasn't one to judge a book by it's cover. By the time he reached a stop and called out, she moved, sending her weight forward and cascading herself into a spiraling motion. Soon, about mid way down to the ground her wings flung out, causing her momentum to straighten and arc to a upward angle, before flying above the mans head and landing before him by a few feet, her wings folding behind her back as she looked up at him. Her eyes, red with silver streaks, black elsewhere, staring at him in the darkness. "I lead them." She said, her voice sounding almost distorted, a mix of demonic and angelic qualities, serene yet haunted like. Cascaded in her armor and looking very much like the warrior angelic being she is, to any untrained eye, she appeared to just take a casual stance, as if un-prepared, but to a trained eye, they could see even as she landed and spoke, her footing switched, edging back slightly with the right foot and preparing for any necessary fast movement to dodge an attack or counter attack, even her wings seemed to shift and glimmer in style. She wore a completely blank face, devoid of emotion, at her presence, every one of the minions scattered off in different locations, her aura could definitively be felt, but unless the man before her has been near a Dark Seraphim before, he wouldn't be able to completely figure out just what she was by the mere presence of being there.