The silence increased the nervousness of the dragonkin as his self appointed proctor stood nearby. He seemed to be going over something. Pyrrus shook a bit wondering what he had planned. Would it be something too difficult for himself. Would they want to know special things? There was something so intimidating about the proctor. Honestly though, there should have been nothing. Pyrrus was significantly taller than his proctor and his proctor seemed like a harmless person. Not rugged, small framed glasses, and a small figure. There was just something about officials. Looking more into the situation perhaps the golden eyed boy was over reacting. For one, he had been raised by a scholar who had vast knowledge over the world and sigils. His guardian had taught him all of it. The dragonkin was actually quite knowledgeable on these facts, but one couldn't tell from his demeanor when ever challenged over them. Pyrrus had sat through classes every day, boring one's, exciting ones, and even adventurous ones. But there was something about himself and his nerves that always got to him Pyrrus' nervous thoughts were finally broken when the proctor had finished going over some things, "Ahh okay, This is quite simple. Nothing too extreme, I just need you to show me how you use and control you sigil's powers. Nothing has to be super spectacular. All you need for a good adventurer is someone who know's how to control themselves and make use." The proctor looked up and smiled. His was small and calm. Yet it unnerved him some more. "...Are you okay? You look a bit clamy.." Pyrrus looked up to his forehead and noticed droplets forming. Quickly, he raised his large hand and wiped it away. "Don't...don't worry just amplify a simple element or such it's nothing huge...don't shake." The dragon looked to his legs which were strangely vibrating a bit. 'Why do I have to be like this under pressure'. Normally the young man was humorous and outspoken, there was just something that freaked him out about presenting himself. " O..Okay" The dragon motioned for the proctor to step back and he faced to the least crowded area. Pyrrus quickly removed the gloves from his long fingers and placed them into his side pocket. "Okay...just stand back a sec". The proctor chuckled and took a step back slightly. Clearly from Pyrrus' behavior he had simply assumed he was a fledgling sigil user and was beyond nervous about his ability. Yet he was humoring him, strangely a very nice proctor. The dragonkin clapped his hands together, placing them upon the front of his face. Quickly, he rubbed his palms together as if he had just been holding ice and needed to warm them quickly. This was just to create some sort of distraction. He couldn't simply cough out the fire, they would surely know something was up. The proctor looked on in worry. Something very strange in his eyes. "Do..Do you need something to help you process an element..I see you must've not brought anything.." The dragon shook his head and continued. "Honestly I don't think you're goin..." Pyrrus interrupted him by clapping and quickly opening his palm in front of his mouth where he spit a small spark into the center of his cupped hands. From there the dragonkin took a hold of his sigil's power to control the spark in his hands before blasting his palms outward as if he was doing some super powered hand shot. Then he simply used his sigil to amplify the raw power of dragon fire to create a large cone of fire the blasted upwards ferociously for a few seconds before dispersing into small embers the floated around a bit before quickly burning out. Pyrrus' legs still shook as he looked over to the proctor. "Ye..yeah fire is my.. I'm good with fire" his voice cracked a bit. Looking to the proctor's face he noticed that his jaw had dropped slightly and he was still staring dumb founded at the dispersing embers. " I need to... Uhhh" Honey glazed eyes looked into the face of someone who's brain had just cracked a bit. The feat was a simple fire cone, was the proctor so done with him that he didn't have words. Or did he know more, had he seen him spit the fire into his palm?" "uhh sir I...I" The proctor finally looked at him and broke silence " My...Oh my..My...Did you simply create that dazzling fire from the heat of the friction between your hands." Pyrrus grew more nervous. "Well yeah I..." "Marvelous!" interrupted the proctor. "All my days I've seen even seasoned sigil user's have trouble amplifying a simple spark into anything more than a flame, but you! You're just a young man and you'e mange to create FLAMES from just simple heat!" Pyrrus began to try to play down his feat but the proctor wasn't having any of it. Of course the proctor's loud exclamations had grabbed the attention of a few others who had their gazes over when the flame brilliantly erupted. Now the proctor's words had reached them and they all began to whisper among themselves. "So spectacular! Any of the expedition groups would be blessed to have someone so skilled with fire. They wouldn't ever have to worry about and struggles with flames. You pass easily! Nothing else needest to be shown. You're amplification power is brilliant enough to be useful in any expedition." golden eyes scanned around the room and locked eye contact with the many others, no doubtfully discussing him, with smug and impressed looks on their faces. Pyrrus simply stood there and grinned nervously. He was quite unsure if he wanted to be played up this much, maybe he should have been a bit more simple.