Kalinda's eyes followed the man as he crawled to the door, and then the corner of the room. She wanted to be able to say that she didn't want the man's blood, that he didn't smell appetizing, but that wasn't the case. A low, almost whimper sound escaped her, a whine, as the hungry within her rose to an almost unbearable level. Everything else seemed to disappear, except for the man. She could almost feel his beating heart as Miranda brought him to her, and she reached out, using the mans shirt to pull him close, without barely a thought as to how she lifted the man to her. She went for the throat, and for almost a minute, she simple inhaled the man's scent,, but the minute she felt the blood moving in the artery, she bit down. The warm rush of blood that filled her mouth was just about absolute heaven. She drank, and drank, until the blood flow trailed to a trickle and stopped. She pulled away, feeling the wet blood on her mouth. Unashamedly, she flicked out her tongue to lick around her mouth. She wished it hadn't been so...so tasty, so easy to throw away her humanity like that. Embarrassed, she looked down, until realizing that she shouldn't have to, and looked back up. She swallowed, as if to get every last drop of blood down her throat. She pushed the body away with a shudder. She had just killed someone. With a slight glance to Miranda, she rose, to walk about the room. She passed by the door, but made no effort to move. Despite feeling better after drinking the blood, she knew that Miranda was stronger and faster then herself. And what was the point of escaping? She didn't know how to live in this world. She sighed, and went to sit back down on the bed. She was silent a few moments, before looking back to Miranda. "Then I guess you better teach me" she said simply. "I need to know the game to survive, right?" She said with a shrug. She licked her lips, not wanting to tell herself she was hoping for another smidgin of blood, before saying, "Kines equals humans, kindreds equals vampires. Why kindreds?" She asked, not actually thinking that was important, but it was something to ask, and it was something to make sense off at the very least. She thought back over what she knew, or rather had read in fictions books on vampires. Kindreds. She should remember that, she thought, not sure if it was offensive to call a vampire vampire to their face, although she had no problem with that. Perhaps because it just seemed a more apt term to her than kindred at the moment. "I assume we don't sparkle like in Meyer's works. Do we need sleep?How can we be killed? Can we survive without blood?" She rattled off the questions in quick succession. Kalinda was an inquisitive soul. She believed that if you didn't pursue knowledge, then you were just staying in the same spot, never moving from what you knew. The world was full of so many possibilities, if you just knew how to grasp them. And she figured she may as well learn all she could. This was, after all just a game like anything else, and a game had rules.