Lilith was walking to her hotel when she got Aleks’ message. She couldn’t help but smile softly to herself as she responded, her mood still someone euphoric from her meal. [4:31 I would love to meet up for a drink. Give me a couple hours to freshen up. I’ll be in the lobby of the Demidov Bridge Hotel at 6:30.] Frowning a bit, the kumiho wondered if she should have moved to a nicer hotel for their meeting. The Demidov Bridge Hotel was rather low-key, the entrance nothing more than a red metal door with a small plaque beside it. The entire façade of the building was covered in rectangular patches of varying colors- a clear sign that vandals frequented the area. The hotel looked completely uninviting from the outside and the Lilith, in her luxurious clothing, looked distinctly out of place as she walked inside. Sighing softly, the golden-eyed woman looked around the lobby. Although modest, the interior of the hotel was decidedly nicer than the outside. There was a small desk on the right side for the receptionist and small tables designed for 2-4 people occupied the rest of the small space. It was clean and cozy, like a misplaced bed and breakfast. Her lips were pursed slightly in judgment, but it was too late to switch hotels now. “Welcome back, ma’am.” Lilith turned her head to face the elder woman at the desk and nodded slightly, clearly still lost in her thoughts. The woman seemed concerned and cautiously asked if everything was alright. Suddenly, the fox spirit felt very conscious of the blood-soaked dress she wore beneath the white coat- a terrible color to try and hide beneath. Inspecting herself for any signs of blood, Lilith muttered, “I’m fine” before retreating upstairs. Once inside her room, Lilith quickly shed her clothes and dropped them into the trash to be thrown away later. Turning on the shower, the bathroom slowly began to fill with steam as she went through her wardrobe for an outfit. ~*~*~*~*~*~ Two hours later, and the beautiful fox spirit sat at one of the tables in the lobby area, a cup of tea nestled between her delicately laced fingers. The [url=] black and white snake print dress [/url] she wore was more modest than her usual attire, but still flattered her figure. Her hair was pinned back into a bun, revealing soft cheekbones and a clearer view of her golden eyes. The older woman still sat at the desk, her warm brown eyes gazing at Lilith curiously. In the week that she had been here, the woman had never seen Lilith linger around the hotel this much and she certainly had never seen the beautiful woman interact with anyone unless necessary. The fact that the mysterious patron appeared to be waiting on someone made the gray-haired woman’s mind race with possibilities. [i]It has to be a suitor. I bet he’s quite handsome too.[/i]