Nation Sheet: Region Number: 4 Nation Name: Bahapore Nation Leader/Name of Nation's Parliament: King Lorio VI for Southern Bahapore Baha Council for Northern Bahapore, current representative is Lord Geward Nation Banner: [img=] Race: Major: Krakon/Horean Minor: Human/Elf Custom Race Description: - Name: Krakon - Life Span: 90-105 years - Appearance: They are lizard-like people that stand at an average height of 6 ½ feet. Their skin is hardened nearly everywhere, acting as armor but the neck around is delicate as it is covered in a leather flap that opens when they hiss in anger. They stand on two legs, have clawed feet and hands, and a komodo dragon like head with a forked tongue. Their eyes are black and beady and their build is slender but strong. - General Traits: Aggressive, Honourable, Religious, Prideful - Name: Horean - Life Span: 70-140 years - Appearance: Their appearance appears as a bird. Standing at an average height of 7-8 feet, they are slender and covered in white feathers. Their head resembles that of a white swans. Their legs are stick like and their arms look nearly human if they weren’t covered in feathers. They have the ability to fly as their bones are hollow and they are light weight. Their wings when not in use, fold against their arms. Their build is light and they have a orangish/yellowish beak. Their eyes are surrounded by black feathers and their eyes are small with black pupils covering most of their eyes. - General Traits: Compassionate, Pacifist, Intelligent, Scientific Capital City: Baha City (Northern Capital) Hapore (Southern Capital) Other Major Settlements: Arge and Columaos Gross Population: Total population: 250,000 Horean: 110,000/44% Krakon: 95,000/38% Human: 25,000/10% Elf: 20,000/8% Exports: Ships and Salt Brief Nation History: After the empire broke, the region fell into chaos. The two dominant races of the Krakons in the north and the Horeans in the south broke out in a full out war. Since the minor races in the region were split between both sides, the numbers of humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, and all other minor races crumbled in the region. Thousands fled the region and no one dared to enter the region for years. The pre-war population of over 3/4s of a million fell to 100,000 when the war finally ended and it took years to recover to just a third of that population, since then few races such as humans and elves have moved back in. The Krakons and Horeans finally sued for peace as their leaders finally realized that even a few more months of fighting would leave the region nearly depopulated and ripe for invasion by neighboring regions. The Horeans have sinced controlled the north as a peaceful group that controls much of the government and advances the nation in terms of science, economy, education etc. The Krakons control the south and guard the region from invasion by the mainland. Many human and elven settlements are spread among the land. It is hard to be believed by minor races in the region on how the two races are still peaceful and holding the nation united as they are believed to be total opposites. Nation Status Card [b][i]Bahapore[/i][/b] [hider=Nation Status] [b]Current Leader/Government: King Lorio and Hapore Council Rep. Lord Geward[/b] [b]Settlements Owned: 4[/b] # [b]Provinces Owned: 1[/b]# [b]Population: 250,000[/b]# [b]Standing Army:[/b] [indent] - /<2,000>/<90 %> - /<500>// - /<750>/<80 %>[/indent] [b]Standing Navy:[/b] [indent]-/<# 20>/<# 10>/<# 5>//<80 %>[/indent] [b]Population Happiness: 70%[/b] [b]Imports:[/b] [b]Exports:Ships and Salt[/b] [b]Wealth:[/b] Average [b]Alliances:[/b] [b]Trade Pacts:[/b] [b]Cease Fires:[/b] [/hider]