[B]Human Bio:[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Migata Kano [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://www.zerochan.net/1714193] Since I’m in love with Kagerou Project right now…[/url] He is a muscular slender guy who stands at 1.63 m. He has cat like eyes and often wears a black hoodie, even above his school uniform. [B]Personality:[/B] He is very kind, but at the same time he jokes about everything and everyone. A complete tease who hardly takes anything seriously, he hates when things get too serious and no matter how tense the mood is, he’ll always try to lighten it up with a joke, often of sexual origin, which has also got him quite a few punches to the face. He is also quite the flirter and, while his flirting isn't to be taken seriously, he knows how to work his way down to a woman’s heart. He has little to no experience with women, though, well, not in actual sentimental relationship. Before, in middle school, he was often surrounded by women because many thought of him as cute. His social circles have become shorter after he entered high school, due to him losing his cute traits from before and being a little more of an ass than before. Now, he hangs around occasionally with someone. He is known to have many effeminate traits, like the way he talks, stands or with his corporal language. Many think he swings the other way, but he does not, he only says that he is more in touch with his feminine self, and that is the reason to why he is so good when it comes to women, and prefers to be around them more than he prefers being around men. Many loathe him, others are jealous of him and other BOYS think he’d be rather good dating material. He has a slight complex regarding his height. [B]Backstory:[/B] He was born into a family who was expecting a baby girl and where his father was long gone. Even though he was born a boy, he was accepted all the same, but growing among nothing but women was harsh and took its toll on his personality, hence why he seems so effeminate at times. His family owns a shrine and they were expecting a girl to become the next miko(priestess) of the shrine, to finally make his older sister retire, since his middle sister was unwilling to take up on such a job. Since he was born, his face, with the right haircut, looked exactly like a woman’s, so he became, well, more like was forced by his sister to become, a ‘priestess’ until he was old enough for his male traits to be too overbearing to continue deceiving the audience. Now his life has been fairly normal. [B]Skills:[/B] He has a silver tongue, often talking people into doing things he wants. He is an excellent dancer, not only in classical shrine dances, but also in modern ones as well as a great singer. He is also a master actor and with the correct materials he can disguise as anything, even as a woman (Not so surprising). Alter Ego: Scarlet Thorne [B]Alter Ego Bio:[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Scarlet Thorn [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://www.zerochan.net/1425189#full] Now, a little genderbend and…[/url] As Kano's Alter Ego, he retains his face, but with a much more female-like in appearance, not only in body, but as well in clothing. He is more slender and shorter, his hair is a little longer than the original's and his face are much more refined, more lady like. He retains his cat like eyes. [B]Personality:[/B] While Kano has effeminate mannerisms, Scarlet Thorn might as well be a girl. His teasing target are boys mainly, and with his androgynous appearance he often tries to trick them into doing things to him. Anyone who has been unlucky enough as to try and cop a feel from him had an ugly surprise waiting for them, and a whole ten minutes of a laughing Scarlet Thorn. His jokes are very aggressive in nature and often get him in problems. Even if he likes to tease boys he can’t stand being around them more than the time necessary to tease them a little and prefers much more the company of girls, but Scarlet Thorn is as flirty and well acquainted with women as Kano, but he always goes for keepers to try and get a girlfriend. He can't stand being called short, you do so and you get a punch to the face [B]Weapon(s):[/B] ‘Chains of Desire’ A pair of deep black chains he can take out of his hoodie to restrain his opponent. Nearly indestructible and with a cute reddish pink glow. Scarlet Thorn often teases others that to be able to break from them one must give in to his desires, when in reality it is just necessary to punch him and he’ll lose control of this. ‘Scarlet Gauntlets and Scarlet Knee Armour’ A pair of deep black gauntlets and knee protectors made out of reinforced metal, which also glow with a reddish pink colour. He can make spikes appear on them to make attacks more effective. [B]Abilities:[/B] Master of hand-to-hand combat, his fighting style makes it seem as if he were dancing. Super human speed and regenerative factor. He is also able to use his voice as a distractor, shouting (or singing) with such a loud voice anyone’s eardrums would explode, but he is limited to use this ability only 2 times in the same hour. --- Have my CS!