Jasmine was in her cell awaiting her next chance to go out of the small confined space doing the only thing she knew how to do work out of course.Jasmine had one arm folded behind her back doing one handed push ups as quickly as she could balanced on the tips of her toes sweat ran down her face and dripped on the floor she went until she hit 80 with her right arm.She then swapped arms and repeated the process with her left arm she finished that and smiled at herself opening and closing her hands."well that's enough of that....don't want to look like a fucking body builder gross as fuck..." She rolled over onto her back and started rapidly doing sit ups her abs crunching together under her tank top,contracting and stretching she went until she got to 130 easily and quickly reaching the number she stopped not wanting to be achy later on.Jasmine stood back up laid down and went to sleep for a while, her fists clenched in her sleep by nature.she heard the sounds of gunshots and explosions screams and agony in her head,the sound of tanks rumbling through streets like armored enforcers of a Great War machine.