"Uggh.." Tepas groaned waking up. He regrets stay up late for the only cause of grooming his cow. Though it had to be done and his cow was waiting for it. He regrets not sleeping early has he looked out side his window and saw the sun up all ready. 'I feel ashamed..' He thought in his head has he got up. He fished around for his clothes and then went to the bathroom to clean up. Once he was done, he put on his work clothes and twirled."Mooooooo!" He said laughing. Sometimes he thinks that he needs more friends. But he shrugs has he turned towards the door, forgetting breakfast. "Cows first." He nodded has he headed toward the barn to meet his lovely cows Maribell and Angelica. ___________________________________________________________________________ Tepas smiled has his cow Maribell snorted with glee has she saw her master."Hey girl? How are you?" He said to Maribell. Maribell just grunted and nodded towards Angelica. Angelica was laying down with her head slight turned."Hey girl... How are you?" He walked towards Angelica. "Moooo...." Said Angelica in a sad tone."Ahhh your sick..." Tepas headed towards the cabinet next to the fodder dispenser. He took out 'Animal Medicine' and headed right towards Angelica. "Here girl." He made her drink it and rubbed her head." Now rest okay?" Angelica laid down her head in response. Finally Tepas finished setting out their food and grooming Maribell who chimed in response to the rub."Okay. Now for breakfast." He walked out of the barn and headed back towards his home.