((Just so you know, when Seth mentioned a vampire, he was talking about Price. Didn't mean to confuse.)) Price had been playing on his guitar, unaware of the shadow. Hunter was trying to stay hidden in his own shadows while observing the scene. He had plenty of minions already, but thought about adding this one. [i]It might belong to someone else, but he was kind of doing me a favor.[/i] Hunter looked at the shadow, thinking it was distracted by some vampire(Price). He then stepped into the scene. "Hello, Arin." He said with a smirk. Arin had busy trying to get the shadow off his head, but stopped once he heard a familiar voice. [i]Hunter.[/i] He growled at Hunter in response. Juno perked up at a sudden presence and looked at Price. [i]Hate to interrupt, but I think someone or something's coming.[/i]