“Well, what are you waiting for then?” The old man asked as everyone in the room turned to face a direction near the opposite wall. He didn’t really know what was happening over there, but it had certainly been a spectacular show… if the whispers were anything to go by. The firefly embers in the air hinted at fire, perhaps the nutcase from outside had managed to pass this spot as well. If he was correct, which he tended to be, then it was that strange boy with the brown hair. Or, the boy had claimed it was him in so many words. The wily elder proctor didn’t seem to want to wait around though, so Rashim turned back to the matter at hand. He had requested that the blonde teen amplify any element to his liking, but not just a flashy show, he wanted control, something definitive. With a slight sigh, Rashim pulled the decorative fan from its little holster. “Wind…” The old man stated ambiguously. “Amplification, and control.” Rashim said to the old man as he opened the fan and flung it out to his right side, back at the crowd. Father had shown him one once, his idea, the great fire serpents with wings that were feared in the eastern archipelago. The fan produced a small wind which quickly turned into a gale and blew angrily through the other trail examinee’s. Once the wind collided with the wall the dust on the ground was hurled into the air like a fine cloud, but Rashim was not finished there, channeling his mental image and power through the Sigil on his hand the wind collapsed in on itself and began to spin and elongate. When it was complete, the dust had turned into the image he had seen so long ago, hovering over the heads of the examinees and proctors was a fire serpents with glittering, falling dust for wings. It’s roar was a releasing wind that allowed the dust swirling inside to cascade slowly to the ground, reflecting little rays of light here and there. “It was sloppy and could use some work, but you pass this stage boy.” The old man said with one of those smiles only old people could pull off. Like he knew much much more than you did, but wasn’t looking down on you. More like he was trying to picture your future and smiled at what he may have imagined to see. “Thank you.” He said with a bow, then flipped his fan closed, turned, and headed for the next door.