It was a hard knock life for him it seemed. In a better world Cor would be home on Naboo. Sitting by the canals in Theeds or working as one of the Queen's men. If he was lucky he would be on his family's estate in the Lake District. But no. Here he was in some scuzzy bar on some backwater world. He walked in behind the woman. He was not shocked by her at all. Female killers were always dangerous. His parents would be so proud as he consorted with murderers and thieves. He was a honorable smuggler. He did not kill lest he had to. His companions seemed to have little care for killing. The funny thing was they both had climate controlled suits. He did not yet he felt fine. It was not Naboo but it was not Mustafar either. Cor was known in this bar. It was his favorite haunt. He was Teemo's best smuggler. He could get anything anywhere. Except for slaves and drugs since he had standards. Oddly the Slug respected his request. He did not sit at the bar with his back to the rest. His companions were a bit sense it seemed. Great. He turned and noticed someone talking into a com device. One of Teemo's sneaky men no doubt. "As funny as that is, my dear killers, we have a problem. The guy behind us just talked into a com device.Teemo is no fool. He knew we would hide here. The goons will be on us soon if we dont move. . It seems you two aren't the best at hiding so it is up to me. . I might not be a killer but hiding is what I do best." He boasted, his accent clearly Naboo and posh. "We need to get out of here. Now. Before the Pigs get here. I suggest a bar brawl. " he said motioning to the guy next to him.