The jedi was very fast. Especially for such a large man. He hadn't believed the intel at first, with the descriptors he'd been given seeming so contrary to one another, but now the evidence of their truth stood right in front of him. Well... bounced around right in front of him. The methods he'd been given to identify the man had seemed convoluted and unnecessary at the time, but now that he actually stood in front of him he realized that there was no other man in the galaxy they could describe. "THX-1138" As soon as he uttered the code, the jedi before him slowed, then came to a stop. He was still tense and seemed on the verge of imminent movement, but he was holding back. For now. Apparently the intel had been right about that too. Bloodshot casually returned the pistol to its holster, then glanced off slightly to his own right, as if hearing something that was inaudible to his newfound jedi companion. "We've got work to do. Follow me." -------------- [i]CRACK!![/i] The gunshot echoed deafeningly through the large hallway in the moments after the jedi padawan finished her speech, and the red-hot slug streaked over the padawan's head before burning a hole right between the obese bounty hunter's eyes. Bloodshot waited for the padawan to spin his way and regain at least some of her hearing before he spoke, gun still raised, though shifted slightly to aim at her head rather than past it. "Sorry dearie. No answers for you." He paused and regarded her for a moment, as if deciding whether or not to pull the trigger, then rolled his shoulders in a shrug and holstered the pistol. "I was told to give you the option of surrender, so if you hand over your weapons now and turn yourself over, I'll be forced to accept and bring you in alive." Though he was fairly certain that surrender just meant a long slow death later on. Hutts were nasty like that. "Otherwise, your corpse is worth just as much. You've got ten seconds to decide before my friend here gets to work." As he spoke, he gestured to the side hallway from which he had appeared and the portly jedi dressed in padawan's robes would presumably step out into view, lending weight to the bounty hunter's ultimatum. If he could control one jedi like that, how many more had fallen under the influence of his employer? "Knowing what you know now, we can't have you running back to the temple, now can we?"