[Hider=Hayden Hawthorne][center] [img=http://25.media.tumblr.com/b749b7d96126c11aac6176a4b08887af/tumblr_my9l81lIIT1rv7yl4o3_1280.jpg][/center] [center][i][b]"Let us go then, you and I, When the evening is spread out against the sky,"[/b][/i][/center] --- [center][B]Name:[/B][/center] [center]Hayden Hawthorne[/center] [center][B]Appearance:[/B][/center] [Center]It's really not hard to see why he's among the top tier; it's evident in the way he looks at you, the way he stands, the way he cocks his head just slightly upward. He's oozes sophistication and etiquette to the point where it's hard to see him any other way; casual days to Hayden are simply days where he doesn't wear the coat to his three-piece Armani suit. The way he talks is always reserved, using the exact right intonation and letting words simply fly off his tongue as if he were one of the best damn politicians you'd ever see. Add to that a 6'0" height and a solid pound of muscle and you've got one of the most intimidating men you'll ever get to meet, and it really isn't his strength that's scary; the physique just adds to the looming terror effect. One wrong look and that man could clear away every bit of your bank account and have you on the curb drinking from the gutters and sifting through trash cans. Even if he'd never, ever think to do something like that. Shortish hair stands atop his head, cut in a style that costs more than a damn house, though usually grown out over the weeks due to a rather busy schedule. It's extremely feathery and looks softer to the touch than it should be, always joking that he has his own private company making a conditioner just for him. Always clean cut, Hayden's got the complexion of an Adonis—totally kidding, as it's more radiant and pallid than olive and tanned, but is strikingly flawless for a man in his late thirties. Bring all that together, add in electric blue eyes, and you have the epitome of a very affluent CEO who looks more suited to sailing his own yacht than co-directing an entire school. It all severely contrasts with his unusually sweet smile and gentle eyes. Despite how he holds himself and how he looks, there's always that air of calmness that surrounds him, like he couldn't hurt a fly if he wanted to. A content expression usually dominates his features and it's obvious, always having a habit of staring off into space when he shouldn't. And when he talks, in spite of the extreme use of dictation, it's always on the same level as his recipient, as if he understands exactly where you're coming from. The undeniable gentleness is a surprise from a person with such a superior background, even his education rings red alarms to those who have only really just heard of him.[/Center] [center][B]Age:[/B][/center] [center]36[/center] --- [center][img=http://media.tumblr.com/e0293c361fb55462465c5d4f7e9a99ba/tumblr_inline_mnqrlwH3hd1qz4rgp.gif][/center] [center][i][b]"In the room the women come and go Talking of Michelangelo."[/b][/i][/center] --- [center][B]How Long Has Your Character Been Teaching at Caelbury Academy?: [/B][/center] [center]Just around six years.[/center] [center][B]Social Class: [/B][/center] [center]Elite/High-Class[/center] [center][B]Social Class Explanation: [/B][/center] [center]Is a part of an extremely wealthy family and was technically the heir of the business until teaching became a full time job. Family ties are strenuous, be he'll always and will forever be a Hawthorne, something he won't ever be able to escape, no matter how hard he tries.[/center] [center][B]Subject: [/B][/center] [center]Vice Principal, previously the Physics and Engineering teacher[/center] [center][B]Why is Your Character Teaching Here?: [/B][/center] [center]Well, it wasn't necessarily his first plan, since it's a place he associates with his parents, but it was also the one place he felt he could actually make a difference. It's definitely not to get back in his parent's good graces, and he's especially glad it's situated rather far from them to begin with. It was also one of the first places to attempt to hire him and he finally gave in after a few years of incessant mailing and contacting.[/center] --- [center][img=http://31.media.tumblr.com/c78484a8c6be775891dc47957d67c26c/tumblr_mrqrce1L2L1sg1qsvo1_500.gif][/center] [center][i][b]"There will be time, there will be time To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet;"[/b][/i][/center] --- [center][B]Personality:[/B][/center] [center]The word gentle is used a lot when describing Hayden. Gentle, genteel... whatever you want to call it, but know that anything and everything that you think would be sweet, kind, caring, oblivious, and stubbornly adorable when he really doesn't want to be, is what Hayden is in a nutshell. It's too much for him and he hates the term, but it's undeniable that the guy wears his heart on his sleeve and has his attention swayed by puppies too frequently. But, everyone's got a mean streak in them, Hayden's is just a tad more passive-aggressive than usual and a tad... extreme as well (it's still passive-aggressive, just not what you'd think when you see the definition). Something that will be mentioned later on. We're still talking about sweet, sophisticated Hayden and not the cold-hearted, stone faced monster he can become. To grasp how Hayden thinks, one would have to truly stop and think for a good moment and then fully observe his habits and quirks first hand for about a year's time. From the way he always reaches across to scratch the back of his head nervously to the OCD he has about double knotting his shoes, even to the superstitious way he feels about a nice pair of goofy looking polka dot ties (bowtie and tie). From this account, one would definitely determine that Hayden sees the world with a pair of rose colored glasses; everything's supposedly perfect and happy and sunshine funtime. Couldn't be further from the truth. Hayden knows the world is as crappy as they make it, maybe even more so, but he has a way of keeping to a certain philosophy as if it were the only thing that could ever keep him afloat. "Shit happens." It's that simple. Things really do happen and, to Hayden, that's inevitable; it's how you deal with it that defines you. And Hayden does so with a smile on his face, no complaints, and a hard determination to solve whatever issue that is plaguing him, be it infinitely large or the size of an atom. Being a science oriented mind helps in his critical thinking as he often is logic driven in the way he works and lives. It's truly aggravating the way things seem to brush off his shoulder, even if they really do deeply affect him. He takes that grief, lets it run its course, and then gets off his ass and does something about it. Being a busy body, it gives him great joy to solve problems, be they academic or social, and it's a wonder he ever fell into teaching. Hayden has a knack for getting kids to do their work, through more means than one; you have to have an arsenal when dealing with children. Which brings us to the other side of Hayden's demeanor, the one everyone on earth has. The one filled to the brim with flaws ranging from largely bad to menial, at best. Hayden wears his heart on his sleeves, but unlike other people, when he's scorned... he lets you know it through ways you didn't realize were possible. He's a grudge holder and a bad one at that—it takes more than an apology letter and a smiley face to erase that memory where you used and abused him and his power to rocket yourself into the social limelight, and then drop him when you found no better use. Yeah, no, he doesn't take extreme offense lightly, but who would? It's the fact that he turns the revenge up to eleven. Remember that time where he was described as never wanting to throw someone out on the streets, effectively turning them from prosperously rich to dirt poor in the matter of days? I lied. If Hayden is ever thoroughly crossed, such as betrayed in ways that one should never take lightly, then he'll use whatever connection he has to make sure you suffer every bit as much as he did. Add to that, abusing, using, or severely hurting any of his family members (mainly his youngest sister) and he'll make you want to literally just die, without even laying a finger on you, or so much as being within a hundred miles. He takes his grudge matches to the extreme, but only when the extreme is brought onto him. Play a harmless prank on him and, like any other day, he'll laugh it off. Bankrupt his father's business and he sure as hell will find a way to deport you, criminalize you, imprison you in a KGB fortress, and get every cent you stole back. Abuse or harm Acacia, and you might as well find yourself wishing you woke up with a metal contraption around your head and a key lodged in your kneecap. It's excessive, but it's a flaw, and like any flaw anyone has, it might as well just be a giant stain. Albeit, this one is hidden in layers of sweet smiles and more than generous giving, it's a large stain, nonetheless.[/center] --- [center][img=http://www.bohomoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/tumblr_lnu6tgcmvQ1qk0imvo1_500.gif][/center] [center][i][b]"And indeed there will be time To wonder, “Do I dare?” and, “Do I dare?” Time to turn back and descend the stair, With a bald spot in the middle of my hair—"[/b][/i][/center] --- [center][B]History:[/B][/center] [center]The eldest of the batch of Hawthorne children, Hayden held the most hope and expectation and, though unwanting of it, the most attention. Of course, his parents kept churning out the kids, they kept their eyes on him. For years he went on without a question, raised to be a spitting image of his father and with the skills and talents he acquired. That was sooner found to be a hopeless endeavor, as Hayden had a specialty for something other than business, but his parents ignored the child's yearning needs and wishes. Being young, he couldn't necessarily help but sway under the control of his parents, and, though reluctant, he did so with a stone face and with more diligence than they required. By the end of high school, which he spent at the same place his parents funded and his ancestors founded, he was the exact carbon copy of his father. Hayden was astute in economics, knew how to handle a business, and everything that was required of an heir to a vast private company. They truly thought he was going to be the one to fully commit to this, that it would stop there and they needn't worry about their other children—in terms of what they would do in life. During the final year of high school, though, Hayden had planned accordingly and couldn't wait to prove his parents wrong. Disappointment was all he got and profound shame. They passed him over like he wasn't even their child for what seemed like the entire time he spent at MIT. He'd effectively fooled them, pulled the wool over their eyes and did exactly what they feared. Of course, he was still their kid and they couldn't necessarily stop that from happening; they couldn't wipe him from existence. Plus, he didn't do it to scorn his parents, he only did it because it was what fulfilled his desires and his needs, something he thought everyone should care deeply for—not excessively, however. He never disliked his parents or disrespected them, just didn't care for the way they raised him and the direction they pushed him toward, which was extreme unhappiness. He was right in this and handled the situation as best he could, though he knows he could have done better, even if the reaction would have been the exact same. The disappointment, though, he didn't care for and he didn't let it weigh him down 'cause his parents' approval was no longer a matter of concern, knowing full well that their approval meant sacrificing everything he was. It wasn't worth it. His happiness and his satisfaction and his life mattered more than their approval—his father's curt nod and small smile. That was all he would have gotten and that, compared to his own life, was far less worth the hard work he pushed himself through. He wanted the most gain from the work he put out and his father didn't and wouldn't provide him with that. There was always visiting, making sure he was evident in his siblings' lives despite their astonishment and their own disapproval. He made himself present where his parents weren't and he felt they gained a lot from that. Unlike them, he was actual there to help and encourage and enlighten when he could, again, much to his parents disapproval. Of course, life always called him back and he couldn't be there all the time. College was an easy ride, easy enough for him to make his visits frequent, but work beckoned more of him. He kept himself present in various labs and working for mainly for NASA, while gaining what he could. Despite his parents shame, they still funded him, let him have whatever he want, though he only took what was necessary for him to live and kept the rest for emergencies, though those were few and far between and was often untouched for long periods of time. Hayden soon found himself in a lull with his work. Yes, he built amazing mechanical contraptions for various companies, mainly NASA, but there was always something nagging at the back his mind. He felt he needed something else, something different and he wasn't getting that with his current work. Granted, he still loved what he did, it was just the fact that he didn't feel like he was fulfilling anything. Which was when he turned toward Caelbury Academy, the school he attended, that was constantly and persistently requesting he teach a class there. For a while he put it off, not feeling quite sure of what the job offered, but after careful consideration, he finally took it. It was the best decision of his life. Teaching during the school year was a breeze and he felt as if he was actually doing something with his life again. During the summers off, which was his allotted vacation time, he would always head back to Florida where he continued contributing his skills there, as well as MIT to help research and work there. But, his satisfaction lay in the Academy, finding that he truly made an impact in the students' lives and for the better. It was odd, though, that he got the request to become the school's vice principal, having worked there for only a few years. Apparently, either the Academy thought it smart to have an actual Hawthorne be in such a position of power or actually thought he was capable of doing more good there. Either way, he would prove the latter.[/center] [center][B]Miscellaneous:[/B][/center] [center]—There's something about the new principal... just... something.— —Hayden is a sucker for sugary treats, mainly ice cream, and is easy to entice through such bribes. Unless the situation is serious.— —He supervises the 'Room For Tolerance,' club, for the LGBT students. As well, he also supervises the Aeronautics and Space Club and Robotics club. He's got... a lot of time on his hands. And the meeting days are actually not overlapped, which... was in due part because he planned that accordingly.— —Has two dogs: [url=http://fotos.cloud.noticias24.com/bellop6301.jpg]Mnemosyne[/url] and [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/031/c/4/glasses_by_delilah_fmlyhm-d38h6h8.jpg]Aristotle[/url]—[/center] --- [center][img=http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lyjutgxlbC1r8d8d4o1_500.gif][/center] [center][i][b]"We have lingered in the chambers of the sea By sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown Till human voices wake us, and we drown." -T.S. Eliot, The Love Story of Alfred Prufrock[/b][/i][/center] [/Hider] --- [hider=Hayden's Relationships] [center][img=http://media.tumblr.com/f14d73a177697038e25b05120784614e/tumblr_mhizv3FfQw1qbabvao2_500.gif][/center] --- [center]Acacia Hawthorne[/center] [center][i]"She had a sadness that was so deep, but it still could turn to light in a second, and when I saw her smile I wondered what it would be like to maker her smile. I thought... I thought it would be like the discovery of smiling."[/i] — [b]Laini Taylor[/b], [i]Daughter of Smoke and Bone[/i][/center] --- [center]Jacob Rockwell[/center] [center][i]"I could feel it for a long time, I was saving something up, I went around doing one thing and feeling another."[/i] — [b]Ray Bradbury[/b], [i]Fahrenheit 451[/i][/center] --- [center]Julie Scott[/center] [center][i]"Maybe the truth is, there's a little bit of loser in all of us. Being happy isn't having everything in your life be perfect. Maybe it's about stringing together all the little things."[/i] — [b]Ann Brashares[/b], [i]The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants[/i][/center] --- [center]Max Wallenberg[/center] [center][i]"You've got to choose between happiness and what people used to call high art."[/i] — [b]Aldous Huxley[/b], [i]Brave New World[/i][/center] --- [center]Wren Sinclair[/center] [center][i]"Time is priceless, but it's Free. You can't own it, you can use it. You can spend it. But you can't keep it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back."[/i] — [b]Audrey Niffenegger[/b], [i]The Time Traveler's Wife[/i][/center] --- [center]Eliza Herring[/center] [center][i]"Sometimes I just survive. But sometimes I stand on the rooftop of my existence, arms stretched out, begging for more."[/i] — [b]Mark Zusak[/b], [i]Getting the Girl[/i][/center] --- [center]Alena Rurik[/center] [center][i]"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."[/i] — [b]Oscar Wilde[/b], [i]Lady Windermere's Fan[/i][/center] --- [center]Alex Harrowling[/center] [center][i]"Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing."[/i] — [b]Harper Lee[/b], [i]To Kill a Mockingbird[/i][/center] --- [center]Tomika Marias[/center] [center][i]"'Shy' was the sympathetic interpretation she got from older people. 'Snotty' was the interpretation she got from people her own age."[/i] — [b]Ann Brashares[/b], [i]The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants[/i][/center] --- [center]Malicia Palistar[/center] [center][i]"Photography is all about secrets. The secrets we all have and will never tell."[/i] — [b]Kim Edwards[/b], [i]The Memory Keeper's Daughter[/i][/center] --- [center]Aoife Abbot[/center] [center][i]"His mind was crowded with memories; memories of the knowledge that had come to them when they closed in on the struggling pig, knowledge that they had outwitted a living thing, imposed their will upon it, taken away its life like a long satisfying drink."[/i] — [b]William Golding[/b], [i]Lord of the Flies[/i][/center] --- [center]Jack Riley[/center] [center][i]"A man who won't die for something is not fit to live.[/i] — [b]Martin Luther King, Jr.[/b], [i]The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.[/i][/center] --- [center]Connor MacQuarrie[/center] [center][i]"Let's stay young forever. Young, stupid and pretty. sounds like a plan, don't you think?"[/i] — [b]Gabrielle Zevin[/b], [i]All These Things I've Done[/i][/center] --- [center]Silas Aberhardt[/center] [center][i]"But you can't get away from yourself. You can't decide not to see yourself anymore. You can't decide to turn off the noise in your head."[/i] — [b]Jay Asher[/b], [i]Thirteen Reasons Why[/i][/center] --- [center][img=http://media.tumblr.com/f843945e22ca3d55ba6023e602812c48/tumblr_mgqp0k4rM81qg462ao4_250.gif][img=http://media.tumblr.com/a32267d2f2df009e4592cd980d570520/tumblr_mgqp0k4rM81qg462ao6_250.gif][/center][center][img=http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcsdksbw9r1qg462ao6_250.gif][img=http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcsdksbw9r1qg462ao9_250.gif][/center] --- [center]Brenden Aldrin[/center] [center][i]"He allowed himself to be swayed by his conviction that human beings are not born once and far all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but that life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves."[/i] — [b]Gabriel Garcia Marquez[/b], [i]Love in the Time of Cholera[/i][/center] --- [center]Hayden Hawthorne[/center] [center][i]"We need enormous pockets, pockets big enough for our families and our friends, and even the people who aren't on our lists, people we've never met but still want to protect. We need pockets for boroughs and for cities, a pocket that could hold the universe."[/i] — [b]Jonathan Safran Foer[/b], [i]Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close[/i][/center] --- [center]Flynn Zimmerman[/center] [center][i]"The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes."[/i] — [b]Arthur Conan Doyle[/b], [i]The Hound of the Baskervilles[/i][/center] --- [center]Alli Kendrick[/center] [center][i]"Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss."[/i] — [b]F. Scott Fitzgerald[/b], [i]The Curious Case of Benjamin Button[/i][/center] --- [center]Saul Kirschenzweig[/center] [center][i]"I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship."[/i] — [b]Louisa May Alcott[/b], [i]Little Women[/i][/center] --- [center]Jaycen Pierce[/center] [center][i]"Letting go. Everyone talks about it like it'st he easiest thing. Unfurl your fingers one by one until your hand is open. But my hand has been clenched into a fist for three years now; it's frozen shut. All of me is frozen shut. And about to shut down completely."[/i] — [b]Gayle Forman[/b], [i]Where She Went[/i][/center] --- [center]Liam Matthews[/center] [center][i]"Take pride in your pain; you are stronger than those who have none."[/i] — [b]Lois Lowry[/b], [i]Gathering Blue[/i][/center] --- [center][img=http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lo4tjzCXiM1qf384j.gif][/center][/hider]