"Oh yes, I overheard you saying that your sister was ill. I hope she gets better soon so she doesn't miss the entire festival." Cecilia said. As they were continuing their conversation a person yelled out 'thief'. A shady looking guy began running through the crowd pushing Anna and Cecilia out of his way. However there was one person chasing after him, Johnathan. "Could use your help sis!" He told her running past her and the princess. Cecilia wasted no time catching up with her brother as they chased the thief around the town. "Damn this guy's fast." Cecilia was trying to find a way to stop the guy and then it hit her. If they couldn't catch him they could at least get what he stole. How you ask? Well Cecilia has the ability to control and shoot fire out of her hands. She simply aimed at the thief's hand and shot a couple small fireballs. With the thief not paying attention they hit his hand causing him to drop what he stole plus slow down a bit allowing Johnathan to take him down. "Whew......good work sis. Using your powers to......wait, you used your powers, in public." Johnathan just realized as did Cecilia. The people around them began staring at Cecilia, a few of them saying she was just like, the Queen?