[Hider=Flynn Zimmerman] [center][img=http://clmlkbks.s3.amazonaws.com/gl_507f04f1-31b4-4b25-a9ec-385c0a0b0910.jpg][/center] [center][i][b]"trust your heart if the seas catch fire"[/b][/i][/center] --- [center][B]Name:[/B][/center] [center]Flynn Zimmerman[/center] [center][B]Appearance:[/B][/center] [Center]Every bit the quiet and reserved fellow he seems, spacious and with an air of a slightly cold stoic. Nothing necessarily odd or outstanding about Flynn, aside from his unusually tall height, standing above most other teachers and students at his 6'3". Everything about him rings conservative and held back, hiding his strength and figure in a usual button up three-piece, usually bland and what one would associate a teacher with, instead of business man or high-class, public figure. That's the exact opposite of what he tries to accomplish and, among the hundreds of students and all of the elite teachers corralling around campus, he looks almost a little too ordinary, as if he tries to hard to get the least attention possible. But, piercing green eyes are observant, eidetic and extraordinarily perceptive—probably the one thing that does stand out. Aided with his ever blank expression, gelled back and stylized hair, and an air of quiet authority, Flynn is a uniquely intimidating individual and it is no part due to his height, but the undeniably cold demeanor and stature in which he holds himself, as if he always has something better to do.[/Center] [center][B]Age:[/B][/center] [center]32[/center] --- [center][img=http://media.tumblr.com/273970d6efdeaeda3df624693aadf0a9/tumblr_inline_mvjp7ppwHY1regso4.gif][/center] [center][i][b]"(and live by love though the stars walk backward)"[/b][/i][/center] --- [center][B]How Long Has Your Character Been Teaching at Caelbury Academy?:[/B][/center] [center]Roughly 6 Years[/center] [center][B]Social Class: [/B][/center] [center]Middle Class[/center] [center][B]Social Class Explanation: [/B][/center] [center]Neither rich, nor poor, just satisfactory. He's content with it and, being a teacher, he has the power regardless of social standards, especially since he's got the intellect and writing prowess to make up for the lack in monetary funds.[/center] [center][B]Subject: [/B][/center] [center]Ethics and Philosophy ("Intro to..." and Various Other Courses)[/center] [center][B]Why is Your Character Teaching Here?: [/B][/center] [center]There's a great satisfaction one gets from enlightening and changing the youth for the better. Flynn is no exception to this and is the primary reason why he accepted the job in the first place, plus, he gets to be closer to his mother than he was in the UK.[/center] --- [center][img=http://25.media.tumblr.com/113f94b6be778f9916ca2a293579a98e/tumblr_mmlrvvF9Ug1rgrfiko1_500.gif][/center] [center][i][b]"never mind a world with its villains or heroes"[/b][/i][/center] --- [center][B]Personality:[/B][/center] [Center]Undeniably passive-aggressive and reserved beyond the nature of ordinary people, Flynn always prefers the company of himself or his cat to anyone else. In an always social environment, one would think that a job teaching was something of a foolish endeavor, but he somehow fits into the mold of the Academy. Brilliant beyond measure, there's a reason he's where he's at in life and, despite the stoicism etched across his features, he is more than content with what he's been given and what he's worked for. Aside from that, from another view point, putting aside Flynn's actual feelings, it's always difficult to determine his exact thoughts or emotions. There's almost always an underlying feeling that his blank expression and ceaseless gaze are the man's way of saying he couldn't care less. However, Flynn is among one of the most unbiased people, tending to take himself out of the equation in almost every situation, simply to observe from another's standpoint. Which, no doubt, means he's not a man to argue or question, but simply reflect and mend. He's a problem solver and a very silent one, who undeniably doesn't need help and never asks for it, but isn't one to deny anyone should they wish to assist. Hardly anyone is ever aware of the fact that he's actually in the process of fixing an issue, whether it's with himself or with someone else, and he is often alone in situations—something he actually prefers. Solitude is his greatest sanctuary and he finds more peace within himself than anywhere else. The ever philosophical mind that can't quit thinking and can't cease to analyze and pick away until something is bare; something of a deep flaw of his, among many flaws. Sometimes he fears those closest to him (few and far between) know him far better than he could ever know himself.[/Center] --- [center][img=http://24.media.tumblr.com/c78053f08ba7b87baf1885d30fbf8412/tumblr_mm7dqaDlQE1qcvteuo1_500.gif][/center] [center][i][b]"losing through you what seemed myself,i find selves unimaginably mine;beyond sorrow's own joys and hoping's very fears"[/b][/i][/center] --- [center][B]History:[/B][/center] [center]Well, life wasn't the best. It certainly wasn't the worst, either. It was more along the lines of a middle road, down an achingly straight path right into a forever stretching horizon. To start, Flynn's father left while he was around six years old, able to remember it vividly by then. He jokingly states that the man is still at the convenient store buying a six pack of flat, piss-tasting beer and a packet of cigarettes. As a kid, one would think something like that would scar a kid, especially at that age and especially one who could recall it like it was yesterday. However, it really didn't phase Flynn, but made him want to know the man's exact thoughts and reasoning, if it even came to his mind. It was just odd, but he saw the way it affected his mother and it affected her deeply. She truly thought they were capable of making a life together, a foolhardy thought at best, but a hopeful one—he couldn't berate her for that. So, instead of her taking care of her only child, it was he who took care of her, something even she doesn't even think about to this day. Flynn was actually the best thing that could have happened to her, even if he was technically the cause of her husband's fleeing. Even now he takes care of her, makes her realize that her life isn't bad at all and that she does have someone that loves her. Everyday she reminds him that she is forever in his debt. And he tells her the same thing: "The only debt you still have is your school loans." Being there for his mother whenever she needed was the defining factor in where he eventually went to school, what he did, and where he would go from that point. She's no old crone, but it's still evident that the woman held onto her past like a lifeline, though her issues went far deeper than a fleeing husband. So, he was there to keep her steady and in control, maybe growing too used to it and maybe not giving her enough room to eventually move on. Regardless, though, he let that situation fully dictate what he would do in life, though, from the circumstances now, it wasn't at all a bad thing, but it definitely could have turned out much, much worse. From a young age, Flynn showed exceptional skills and smarts in all forms. He didn't play like other kids, didn't even act like other kids; Flynn sat in the back, observing his environment and analyzing everything to a fault. Most adults thought he was shy or that he had a bad home life, though none of them were even close to the right answer. He was the fascination he got from observing people, finding out what makes each individual tick. Such skills were often looked over because of his reserved attitude for most of his younger life. Sometimes teachers had a hard time determining what his issue was and often labeled him with various mental disabilities and even sending him into a class for the mentally handicapped. It wasn't embarrassing, as he often took in information unlike most other people, and found it an opportunity to further improve his knowledge. When the teachers found the notes he took, mistaking it as mindless doodling (candy and sticker in hand for a reward) they were taken aback. Structured notes on the exact diagnosis of each of the special needs kid's minds, graphing, analysis worthy of a psychoanalyst's research paper. That's when he was fully noticed, when his talents rang out like a fire alarm. Prodigy, genius, that's what the teachers said and the list went on. That's when things started moving too fast for him, when he recognized that he was being kept away from his mother with an increasing frequency. It was maddening, to be fully honest, especially when he came home and saw his mother's own health deteriorating. The woman needed constant attention and she wasn't getting it. Like Flynn, she took in information differently, to the point where it eventually hurt her more than helped her. So, he demanded a brief rest period to sort everything out and to find what seemed like obvious solutions to his problems. Luckily for him, the president of Oxford University would adhere to his pleas, having contacted him during his publicity filled years. It was then that he truly felt ready and prepared for something of that calibre. About the age of twelve, Flynn was admitted to Oxford on a free-ride to study whatever he wanted, mainly philosophy and psychology. His mother came with him and both were given housing and food for as long as Flynn attended. He was worth that much and more. With his life supposedly figured out, he balanced schoolwork and his mother exceptionally well for a person of his age. He could see the radiance back in her mother's smile and could see the steady praise he got from various professors who taught there. He did, indeed, have his life fully set and planned out, though knew there would often be variables he could never account for. Flynn was prepared for that. What he wasn't prepared for was the sudden revelation his mother had experienced. He'd gotten his Ph.D by then, only 18 and already ready to get his life going. She had stared at him hard that morning while he ate his breakfast, smiling uneasily at him. He'd asked her if everything was alright and she simply respond with a curt, "Yes." It was then he realized she'd figured something out, but was unsure of what. It wasn't until later that not that she sat him down on the couch and told him exactly what had dawned on her. She was holding him back, keeping him from achieving what he truly wanted. He was a slave to the circumstance of his mother's illness. Later that week, after having truly thought things over, she left for the United States, admitted herself to a psychiatric ward designed to look and act like a nursing home for those who were diagnosed with illnesses that they couldn't control properly. She was given her proper meds and sent off a year later, feeling that she was ready to actually live. Flynn, confused and mildly alarmed, felt the necessary urgency in his mother's voice before she left and when he truly saw the progress before his eyes, would he allow himself to be fully proud of his mother. In her realization and in her actions to remedy the issue, she had given both of them the permission to live. It wasn't long before Flynn found a steady job, finding he felt better teaching than he did anything else. He staid at the university for quite some time, accumulating a vast amount of knowledge and experience before he was requested at a prestigious academy in the U.S. to work as a full-time teacher, helping educate future CEOs and scientists that would more than likely contribute to the world in ways most people couldn't. The man still wrote various books and analysts, helped with research across the world during his summers, but his heart and his mind were fully committed to the students he was teaching, regardless of just how preserved and stoic he may at first seemed.[/center] [center][B]Miscellaneous:[/B][/center] [center]—Has a cat named [url=http://media2.giphy.com/media/14aJOxgji0GFOg/giphy.gif]Oedipus[/url] that he often brings to the Academy. They allow it because the cat is well taken care of, groomed, and given the best care by Flynn. And he made sure the cat has an area to... defecate... that would be concealed in both sight and smell. One of the teachers helped design it in his spare time, simply because she was bored and a nice person.— —He blends into the background very, very well... and it's often hard to notice him, despite his height and stature—[/center] --- [center][img=http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5is9dbdLD1qcvteuo1_500.gif][/center] [center][i][b]"yours is the light by which my spirit's born: yours is the darkness of my soul's return -you are my sun,my moon,and all my stars" -E.E. Cummings, dive for dreams[/b][/i][/center] [/Hider] [Hider=Flynn's Relationships] [center][img=http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lxlyyf2npk1qcvteuo1_500.gif][/center] [center][b]Excerpts of people, of ideas, of thoughts, and of feelings scribbled through the day in a notebook bound by leather and clasped tightly between arm and rib. A notion doodled in simple quotes before observations—a personal touch—confounded in secrets seen through the hidden glints of wary eyes.[/b][/center] --- [center]Acacia Hawthorne[/center] [center][i]"The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts."[/i] — [b]Marcus Aurelius[/b][/center] [center][i]"The souls of those purest cannot always be so fortunate."[/i][/center] --- [center]Jacob Rockwell[/center] [center][i]"Our life always expresses the result of our dominant thoughts."[/i] — [b]Soren Kierkegaard[/b][/center] [center][i]"You do not often hear about those who do not grow from their pain—not in the light of worth."[/i][/center] --- [center]Julie Scott[/center] [center][i]"Youth is easily deceived because it is quick to hope."[/i] — [b]Aristotle[/b][/center] [center][i]"A sheep that desires to be a wolf is an easy meal."[/i][/center] --- [center]Max Wallenberg[/center] [center][i]"The church was meant to be a hospital for the hurting and the lost, not for the self-righteous and well-dressed."[/i] — [b]Jeremiah van Guilder[/b][/center] [center][i]"Ennui is the trap of the wealthy; they cannot feel the burden of the poor until they loose as much."[/i][/center] --- [center]Wren Sinclair[/center] [center][i]"Compared to what we ought to be, we are half awake"[/i] — [b]William James[/b][/center] [center][i]"Childhood is just one big moment. To take that for granted is sacrilege."[/i][/center] --- [center]Eliza Herring[/center] [center][i]"Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die."[/i] — [b]Buddha[/b][/center] [center][i]"Passion covers a broad spectrum. The fire in a person's eyes may not be for the right thing."[/i][/center] --- [center]Alena Rurik[/center] [center][i]"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart. If you always give, you will always have."[/i] — [b]Chinese Proverb[/b][/center] [center][i]"Let she be whole, who gives of her soul. Let she be protected, who freely shows her heart."[/i][/center] --- [center]Alex Harrowling[/center] [center][i]"Wit is educated insolence."[/i] — [b]Aristotle[/b][/center] [center][i]"There is no rule to writing, except to write."[/i][/center] ---- [center]Tomika Marias[/center] [center][i]"I was part of that strange race of people aptly described as spending their lives doing things they detest to make money they don’t want to buy things they don’t need to impress people they dislike."[/i] — [b]Emile Henry Gauvreay[/b][/center] --- [center]Malicia Palistar[/center] [center][i]"The higher we are placed, the more humbly we should walk."[/i] — [b]Marcus Tullius Cicero[/b][/center] --- [center]Aoife Abbot[/center] [center][i]"If there is a man, the statement whereby we say there is a man is true, and reciprocally — since if the statement whereby we say that there is a man is true, there is a man. And whereas the true statement is in no way the cause of the actual thing’s existence, the actual thing does seem in some way the cause of the statement’s being true: it is because the actual thing exists or does not that the statement is called true or false."[/i] — [b]Aristotle[/b][/center] [center][i]"Wealth and power are not goals; they are luxuries, if anything at all."[/i][/center] --- [center]Jack Riley[/center] [center][i]"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."[/i] — [b]Mahatma Ghandi[/b][/center] [center][i]"A man so bitter, must have been scorned lifetimes before."[/i][/center] --- [center]Connor McQuarrie[/center] [center][i]"All the interests of my reason, speculative as well as practical, combine in the three following questions: 1. What can I know? 2. What ought I to do? 3. What may I hope?"[/i] — [b]Immanuel Kant[/b][/center] [center][i]"A man who hates cats has no soul."[/i][/center] --- [center]Silas Eberhardt[/center] [center][i]"Admiration for a quality or an art can be so strong that it deters us from striving to possess it."[/i] — [b]Friedrich Nietzsche[/b][/center] [center][i]"Forcing oneself back inside a shell is likened to suicide. An empty shell has nothing to hide."[/i][/center] --- [center][img=https://31.media.tumblr.com/c3c0de6ed1f97f1b941d2cf4a8bdb861/tumblr_mwcdxpTNhU1r6fg3qo1_500.gif][/center] --- [center]Brenden Aldrin[/center] [center][i]"And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once. And we should call every truth false which was not accompanied by at least one laugh."[/i] — [b]Friedrich Neitszche[/b][/center] --- [center]Hayden Hawthorne[/center] [center][i]"It is clear that astronomy at all events compels the soul to look upwards, and draws it from the things of this world to the other."[/i] — [b]Plato[/b][/center] --- [center]Flynn Zimmerman[/center] [center][i]"Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy."[/i] — [b]Isaac Newton[/b][/center] --- [center]Alli Kendrick[/center] [center][i]"You just keep pushing. You just keep pushing. I made every mistake that could be made. But I just kept pushing."[/i] — [b]Rene Descartes[/b][/center] --- [center]Saul Kirschenzweig[/center] [center][i]"The secret of happiness is: Find something more important than you are and dedicate your life to it."[/i] — [b]Daniel Dennet[/b][/center] --- [center]Jaycen Pierce[/center] [center][i]"The highest and most beautiful things in life are not to be heard about, nor read about, nor seen but, if one will, are to be lived."[/i] — [b]Soren Kierkegaard[/b][/center] --- [center][img=https://24.media.tumblr.com/92aa0ccdc7054fea88cd9955891480ce/tumblr_mwcdxpTNhU1r6fg3qo2_500.gif][/center][/hider]