The proctor could not seem to get over his fascination with what the dragon had done. He had simply continued to boast Pyrrus' ability to Pyrrus himself before moving to the other proctors. It quickly got into the crowd and everybody's eyes had fallen on him. Pyrrus' own golden eyes sunk to floor as he tried to hide in his own shoulders. Apparently his skill with fire was far to useful to pass up. The proctor said that he should expect a lot of recruitment offers. Pyrrus was a bit nervous since had exaggerated his ability, however he still had the capability so he would be just as useful as he was being boasted to be. Pyrrus feared being approached by strangers the most at this point. He knew he tended to be loud and outspoken around familiar faces, but like always, his fear of first presenting himself troubled him. But now he also felt hopeful. Honestly traveling alone would be a huge burden to face. But now he had been told he would easily be able to be recruited into some of the best groups. It wasn't as much status as it was that this meant he had more of a chance of himself finding Rin. Maybe he could be recruited into THE group. This though excited and calmed him from the pressures. The two feelings fought inside of him leaving him with a sick feeling in his stomach. "Excuse me." Pyrrus jumped at the sudden interruption of his thoughts. "Y..Yes!" Honey eyes flowed over to the figure of a woman. "Is it true, you can create spectacular flames from simple heat". "Well..uhh.I.." Pyrrus stuttered. Now he knew he wasn't ready for this. Why couldn't he just be loud and outspoken from the start. "Of course he can! I saw it with my own eyes". "Did you now? Surely there had to be some way else" "No I saw it too and even was told..." Great now people were talking in front of him like he wasn't even there. These two seemed to have distracted themselves with their own argument so the dragonkin simply stepped away. Pyrrus was walking for the door when a large wind began to blow through the room. The brown shaggy bangs and tufts of hair began to flare around. "what the.." The dragonkin spoke to himself as his golden eyes began to scan around. Then, further in the room, he spotted Rashim holding a fan and doing something strange. was he testing his sigil now as well? The dragon assumed this was his doing since he had been told Rashim was the one that had had created the cortex which had stopped his embers. The wind quickly thrashed around and blew harshly before causing tons of dust to rise into the sky. The wind picked up again and then left an image towering above everyone in the room. An image of a dragon filled his golden eyes. He store in awe as it animated with wind effects and dust . Everyone was most likely looking at it, it was far to spectacular to ignore. The image remained for a bit before dispersing and then chatter began to fill the room once more. "Wow..." Pyrrus then changed his gaze back to Rashim who had closed his fan and seemed to be proceeding. Sadness filled him up again. Here the two should be celebrating and congratulating for obviously impressing both their spectators. But instead this. Pyrrus also took a mental note of the fact he had made a dragon. Did he know something about them or was he interested in them? This was something perhaps he should bring up to him later...if he ever did speak to him. Pyrrus lowered his head and began to proceed to the next destination.