Since map #6 won and I was the first to finish my application, I'd like to go ahead and claim a spot, if allowed. I've marked it on this page: [Hider=Map][url=]Click Me For a Larger Image[/url] [IMG][/IMG][/hider] I hope that's not too much territory. I wanted Qalimeq to be a large empire, and that desert and those areas seemed plenty large. I also marked the vassal duchies (separated by incomplete lines) and the capital city of Ahnidad (indicated by the orange star). Orange seemed like the right color for my nation on the map. The duchies are, from top-left clockwise: Andrasti, Serdia, Abnia, Muria, Porold, Salimeq, Armeqia. EDIT: I may have to increase my navy size and decrease my land forces, actually, given this setup. Hmm. Also, I wonder if maybe I should put more detail into the guns my nation's soldiers use besides "single shot rifles" and "pistols." And then the marksmen would probably have even better single-shot rifles. Eh.