[hider=Jacob] [b]Name[/b]: Jacob Rockwell [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://ak3.okccdn.com/php/load_okc_image.php/images/150x150/558x800/101x60/514x473/0/424103984603474950.webp?v=1[/img] Jacob is lithe, standing at a short 5'5" (165 cm) but weighing in at only 110 pounds (about 50 kg). His eyes are a gentle hazel color, and his hair is light brown, as pictured. [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Grade[/b]: 12 (4th year at the Academy, i.e. a Senior.) [b]Social Class[/b]: Gifted [b]Social Class Explanation[/b]: Extremely gifted intellectually, scored within the 99th percentile nationwide on the ACT aptitude test. counting the optional writing portion. Overall Score: 35. He specializes in Physics and Mathematics, and although he occasionally makes mistakes with problems, his scores are still far above almost all others. [b]Personality[/b]: Jacob is a kind but somewhat reclusive individual. Getting him to open up can be difficult unless you share one of his interests (space/astrophysics, guns/airsoft, and glorious VIDEO GAMES) with a great passion. When it comes to friends, he values quality over quantity, but if he can find a group of people who he can get along with, he'll happily associate with them. He takes his work seriously and abhors cheating, especially since his intellectual talents are what got him into the prestigious school. He dislikes rulebreaking in general, to be perfectly honest, but he does acknowledge that everybody has their own situation. If you're not actively hurting people, he doesn't mind letting some things slide. One exception is members of his JROTC unit. As Commanding Officer, he takes his job extremely seriously and holds every cadet in high esteems, and expects them to act respectable and follow all the rules. He also likes to crack terrible, dark jokes. [b]History[/b]: Jacob grew up on long Island in New York, born to an ordinary mother and a father with a checkered and rather exciting past. His father once held a position of relative power, but circumstances forced him into a new business after a legal scandal which cost him his career. After this, his father started an electrical company that quickly flourished, taking contracts at Universities and other such places, for millions of dollars at a time. Within the past year, however, this company has started plummeting, with contracts drying up and money disappearing from under his father's nose. Jacob, much like is father, was a gifted student from the first day, excelling in classes, but performing poorly when it came to athletics, though his small frame made him agile and fit. He went through elementary school like any other, and suffered extreme torment from others while in middle school. After he completed middle school, his scholastic excellence was noticed and he was offered placement at Caelbury, which he graciously accepted. In his first year at Caelbury, he suffered from a depression he tried to hide behind a veil of indifference and cynicism. He was in the chess club at this point, but quit early in his second year. His grandfather died shortly after his 15th birthday (May 7th of his first year at Caelbury), only exacerbating his depression. During the following summer, he suffered an extremely traumatic event (to be revealed IC if that is okay) that caused him to develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. After a fellow member of the chess club, and a good friend, passed away from a seizure early in his second year, Jacob nearly committed suicide, only being spared from his own self-pity and depression by a few words from an unknowing friend. After deciding that his life would be made into something worthwhile, he became driven to do whatever he could to the best extent of his possibilities, though he did quit the chess club after his friend's death. The memories were too painful, and his second year of school consisted of many psychological breakdowns and trips to the school's counselors. His third year saw a noticeable improvement, until a family friend passed away from cancer and Jacob started seeking outside therapy. After a self-mutilation attempt that rendered his left arm permanently damaged, Jacob was hospitalized temporarily between his third and fourth years at the Academy, this event causing many of his friends to break ties with him. Now in his fourth year, he hopes to make new friends and do the best he can to get his life back on track and become an astrophysicist, as he dreams. [b]Extracurricular Activities[/b]: Airsoft Club Founder, Academy MCJROTC Captain and Commanding Officer. Member of the Aeronautics and Space club. He can occasionally be found in the Room for Tolerance when he's not busy commanding the cadets. [b]Miscellaneous[/b]: His vision is 20/400 in his right eye, 20/500 in his left. Basically, he's blind without his glasses. Has a large square-shaped burn on his back as well as many vertical stretch marks there, as well as horizontal stretch marks on his knees and thighs. He doesn't speak of the burn and few ever see it unless he is swimming, at the beach, etc. As previously mentioned, his left arm is damaged from his self-mutilation attempt. Jacob finds difficulty in raising the limb in question higher than his chest, and lifting it directly above his head is nigh impossible at this point. In addition, he suffers from acute Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, with the triggers for his panic attacks and flashbacks being: suddenly being touched (mainly from behind) being backed into a corner by people, and loud noises. Frequently suffers from major logic malfunctions when dealing with females. Notable incidents include calling a close friend's thighs "massive." This was intended as a compliment. Yeah, he can screw up royal. REAL royal. He is also prone to fits of anger and violence, especially when his PTSD is triggered. His weekly therapy appointments are on Sundays. He's been taking anti-depressants since about halfway through his third year. Jacob is independently learning Latin. [/hider] [hider=Jacob's RS] Acacia Hawthorne: "Ahhh...Hawthorne. The prodigal daughter. I heard she's got an IQ of like 200. Ridiculous. Drop-dead gorgeous, money to change the world, and smarter than pretty much anyone alive. Student Council President to boot. Basically, pretty much the perfect schoolgirl. I've had the privilege of dealing with her, what with having founded the Airsoft club, and frankly, it's nigh impossible not to like her." Jacob Rockwell: "It's...that's me. What am I supposed to say about myself, some deep philosophical bullshit? Shut up." Julie Scott: "Julie's a bit like me. Kinda awkward, but not in a way that makes you want to back away slowly. Vice President of the International Committee. You'd be hard pressed to not like her, in all honesty. She's...really, she's amazing. Off the record, I wouldn't mind-Hey, I said turn that damn thing o-" Max Wallenberg: "Max...Maxy Max Max Max. The only thing he maximizes is the amount of girls he does and deserts. Overall, he's actually not a bad guy, though. Lot of those types around here, but most of those ain't the rich kids. He sticks out like a sore thumb among the rich kids, really. I've seen him grimacing when someone brings up buying a new car. I think everybody who isn't a pampered little kid in a teen body does, though." Wren Sinclair: "Wren, huh? Theater girl, carries herself as one would expect of a person of her station. Saw her in a play once. Maybe four or five times...what, she's good! Real good. She's...she's got something most people don't, especially not at her age. If she weren't so busy with theater, I'd hound her like a dog to get her to join the program. We could use a girl that single-mindedly devoted. Lord knows that devotion helped me..." Eliza Herring: "She seems like a...very manipulative person. Not like your typical black widow or 'man's lady,' but the type to only befriend people who are useful to her. If you want my full opinion, I think she's a sociopath. Certainly gives me the vibe of it. She acts like a damned politician and it pisses me off. Like she's better than other people because she's rich and proper-like. I mean, bearing is important, but it don't make you a better person. Oh well, she's not the type of person I deal with anyway. Lucky me." Alena Rurik: "Ah, Rurik. Nice girl. One of my officers. I gotta say...she's pretty awesome. Well-devoted, tough, durable. She'd make a good Marine if she chose that path. Weight-lifting champ and expert martial artist. Yes, any group would be better with her in it. I'm glad to know her." Alex Harrowling: "A fellow introvert. My kinda guy, actually. Avoids crowds, generally quiet, enjoys cracking open a good book. Might enjoy my extensive variety of games, too. One can only hope." Tomika Marias: "The churchy fencer girl. Quite an...interesting character, if I do say so myself. Don't really have a good read on her, actually. Somewhat regrettable, but I don't think I dislike her. Or that I will if I ever get to know her." Malicia Palistar: "Her parents run a law firm, right? Another person I don't have a good read on. She seems a bit snooty, but at the same time I kinda like the silent rebel thing she has when it comes to her uniform. It's nice to see how far people can stretch the rules without breaking them sometimes." Aoife Abbot: "The daughter of the infamous Richard Abbot. I....don't know how I feel about him. That business in general is....it shouldn't be a business. War isn't something you make money off of. At least, it shouldn't be. Anyway, back to Aoife. Having her in the JROTC might be interesting, but later additions are usually a harder sell to get them involved. Frankly, I don't care if she doesn't participate too much, as long as she behaves well enough. I'll have to get a real good look at her before I decide whether I'll hold any real interest in her career here." Jack Riley: "No comment." Connor MacQuarrie: "CoMac is my man. I know I'm the last guy you'd expect to hang with him, but truth is, we're pretty tight. He's really the only guy I still hang around with on a regular basis from the past. Good friend to have, terrible enemy. Maybe not reliable for emotional stuff, but nobody's perfect." Silas Aberhardt: "Caelbury's own modern-day Mozart. He's a pretty cool guy. We see each other at the room for tolerance now and again. I can only go when the ROTC stuff doesn't have me preoccupied. He's usually really distant, but...not the type of distant that has a dark past or anything worthy of a comic book hero's backstory. Nah, he's just...he's the type that can get by alright on his own. I mean, I'm sure he wouldn't mind having some friends, but he's not exactly an approachable person, ya know? Normally, at least. When he's on stage, guy's like a damned diva, and he deserves it." Brenden Aldrin: "Principal Aldrin, huh? Always wondered if he's related to the astronaut. How much of a coincidence would that be, huh? Anyway, I like him. Got to meet him once when he visited the ROTC room to meet the Colonel. Seems like a fun kind of guy. Not sure if that's the best quality for a principal to have, though." Hayden Hawthorne: "He runs the Aeronautics and Space club, and worked for NASA. He's awesome. Nothing further." Flynn Zimmerman: "That's the cat guy, right? Cute little bastard. The cat, that is. He teaches ethics and philosophy, right? Hate those subjects, too grey for me. Gotta stay away from the grey. He's a little creepy, though. Can kinda just...disappear and pop up somewhere else without you realizing. He reminds me of a spook..." Alli Kendrick: "Ms. Kendrick. Oh God, do we have to talk about her? I thought she was a student when I first saw her and made an ass of myself. I thought she was a cheerleader...not the captain. Anyway, uh...I'm sure she's a fine teacher and coach and all. I just...haven't had a class with her yet." Saul Kirschenzweig: "The Colonel? I have nothing but respect for that man. He's the SMI and a drama teacher, and that's a lot to handle, but he still manages it great. Some people might think he's a bit too informal as an SMI, but he's strict when he needs to be. He's a no-nonsense kind of guy, and I like that." Jaycen Pierce: "A good P.E. teacher. Good man. Good man...but I can see it in his eyes. He's...a lot like me. It took me a while to notice, but in those eyes I see very, very little. I see a man who has to try very hard to keep moving forward, but who has built up so much momentum that he cannot possibly stop now. It doesn't take a genius to figure out where he came from. A star QB? More like public plaything. His life was a god damned novel for the rest of the world to read. Fucking vultures. How much money did the tabloids and the papers make from tearing him down? I still remember the headlines. Still remember how he went from a hero to a villain in the blink of an eye. If he weren't a teacher here, I'd...I'd like to just give him a hug or something. Just some simple act of kindness." [/hider]