Looks good! How about mine? ~*~*~*~*~*~ Name: Shiori(Marius) Takashi Race: Japanese Age: 26 Height: 6' 1” Weight: 137 Hair: Black, waist length, kept back in a slim pony, strait, with bangs as long as the rest hanging down to either side of his face. Eyes: Black Skin: Alabaster Build: Slim with only faint muscle tone, but not unhealthy looking. Clothes: At work he has a variety of brightly colored suits, custom made. Underneath he wears either a black or white button up shirt with a vest of the opposing color. He forgoes tie in favor of cravats, of which he has has a vast collection of many different designs and colors. His suits are always one solid color. Off of work he's always still in his suit unless he's at home, and then he favors a comfy pair of black sweatpants, and nothing else. Accessories: A wide variety of cravat chains. Silver pocket watch on a white gold chain he keeps hooked to his belt, the watch in his jacket pocket. General Personality: Rather defensive when his race is brought up in conversations, but other than that he's vary likeable and always ready with a smile. He cares for those who work for him, however his absentmindedness has lead to many a misunderstanding with them. He tends to rely heavily on people whom he trusts, but that trust is hard to win, and easily lost. He has a fiercely protective streak so some would say he is quick to anger, however for the most part he tries to talk his way out of conflict, on anything else for that matter. To many he seems arrogant, however that is more a product of his upbringing than an actual character trait. Background: As an American born Japanese Shiori got a lot of flak from the Japanese community he grew up in with his father. Despite his father's position, as the owner of a large American company, Shiori spent much of his childhood isolated from the other kids around his age, most of whom had moved to America with their parents. He grew up learning the ins and outs of his father's business, the only heir to it, and at a very young age he grew up and left his childhood behind. When he was sent off to boarding school at the age of sixteen he began learning to make friends, however like most rich kids, the friends he made only wanted something from him. All but one boy. The half American half Japanese boy became his only companion and after he returned to his home, to his father's deathbed, Shiori had adopted his American name full time and brought his friend back to help him run the business. Barely out of his teens, things were rough at fist, but within the span of a year Marius Takashi became the best President the company ever had. He took a hands on approach to the business which has earned him a reputation among his rival companies as a softy, but his results are undeniable. He has been running the company for years now and has managed to avoid any major scandals even with the incidents with his secretaries.