[center][img]http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/2/2e/Scythes-of-the-Emperor-Logo.png/125px-Scythes-of-the-Emperor-Logo.png[/img] ~~~[/center] [i]We are the darkness. We are the shadows incarnate. We are the night time stories that keep the children of Magnolia up at night, that give pause to hardened men and give fear to the strongest of women. We are the deadliest assassins bar none in the entire continent, if not the world. We only kill for gold, but the amount of gold is of little consequence. We make a statement. If we feel the reason, the cause, the ideal is right, we orchestrate it with swiftness and silence, be they rich or be they poor. We are the darkness. We are the shadows incarnate. We are the Deaths Scythe Guild.[/i] [b]So, who wants to be a magical assassin? Like I stated in my interest check, this is >NON-CANON< Fairy Tail, using the setting and basis for the anime and manga, yet none of the characters. I will be posting soon with some back-story on the continent. Obviously, knowledge of the Fairy tail universe is required. Be in manga or anime, if you know the core concepts you are cool. Now I don't want any spoilers. I am up to date with the anime and read to the end of the current anime arc in the manga, and no further. Not everyone may be that far in. SO NO SPOILERS! Copy of part of my interest check post regarding dragon slayers and lost magics[/b]: [center]I am okay with level 1 and 2 dragon slayer magics, and since this is entirely non-canon, you can be a slayer for an element that already exists in the show. No level 3. I am also okay with lost magics. We are supposed to be powerful after all. However, a shadowy assassin guild doesn't use giant flashy attention grabbing magics (wouldn't stay secret for very long) and i don't want any overpowered things like 'anything I imagine happens' or 'I can manipulate the space/time continuum.' Also, our magics are designed to kill.[/center] [b]Now, your favourite part, character sheets! They are mostly just the core concepts, as I want a lot of your character to come out in the role-play itself. I do not want history. Every assassins history is their own, to share or not as they deem fit. [center] NAME: AGE: GENDER: PERSONALITY: (No more than one line. Just the basics) MAGIC NAME: MAGIC DESCRIPTION: (A paragraph. Here is where I want the effort :) Remember, we are killers. So if it is not obvious, tell us how your magic can kill. And a mage that kills loudly and proudly either has a good escape mechanic, or doesn't live long at all. Secrecy is key.) ITEMS: OTHER: (Anything I forgot or you feel prudent to add) [/center] Also, only taking no more than five that is >5< people. Those who responded to the interest check will take priority over those who did not. NOTE: There needs to be the possibility (even if remote) to escape the magic. To easy to just go up to someone and *pop* them. Besides, we will be getting into fights. ACCEPTED: Gravislayer: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33286/posts/ooc?page=1#post-983575]Valruk "The featherweight" Fireheart[/url] Masaki Haruna: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33286/posts/ooc?page=1#post-989981]Hasegawa Kyouka [/url] Ionion: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33286/posts/ooc?page=1#post-993740]Vani Ashton[/url] My Character: [center][img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/4/43563/2784835-vs.jpg[/img] Looks like Adam Jenkins on the left when around the guild, and Corvo Attano on the right when on mission [/center] NAME: Umbranox 'Shadowstrike' Kaiser AGE: 24 GENDER: Male PERSONALITY: At the risk of sounding like a stereotype, cold and detached on interaction, but with a strong sense of justice inside. This sense of justice is only rivaled by his sense of discipline. MAGIC NAME: Striders Shadow MAGIC DESCRIPTION: A very simple magic that allows Umbranox to fuse with shadows, granting a certain level of mobility and control. By stepping into a shadow, he can slowly faze and disappear in it over 3 seconds and reappear at any other shadow that he can see in about 4 seconds. This teleporting is a second shorter on both ends when not using a persons shadow. While in a shadow, his figure becomes blurry (he calls it Shadow Cloak) making it hard to see him. Using this mechanic, he goes from shadow to shadow, stabbing people in the back with either his long katana or his shorter tanto. Has a certain level of being able to use the shadows to hold/bind anyone in them. Does not have full mastery of this yet, so only tries it on solo missions. ITEMS: His Katana called Shade and his Tanto called Shadow, as well as a lacrima he can throw into the air to cast light (so he can force things to have shadows) OTHER: As the Guild Master, nothing goes ahead without his say. [/b]