Before Ruusaan could finish her glass the other hunter, known as "Sektor", voiced his concerns about staying in the cantina with sarcasm, [B]"Oops! My apologies to the bartender, I didn't realize I wasn't welcome here,"[/B] she said with sarcastic enthusiasm, but it seemed the smuggler, "Cor" they called him, was not the sharing the hunters' love of irony as he sat facing behind them watching somebody in the booth behind them. Apparently Teemo has an informant in the cantina, [i]no surprise there[/i], technically Teemo owned this place. Now he was talking about hiding and starting a brawl as a distraction, [i]now, you're getting nasty[/i]; although Ruusaan had given up the idea of hiding, starting a cantina brawl was a better suggestion. [B]"Watch and learn boys..."[/B] she said putting her helmet back on and walking around the smuggler. [B]"Ladies first! What gentlemen you are,"[/B] she said as she knocked out a scruffy looking man into his one-armed Aqualish counterpart. [B]"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't notice you sitting there! Wait-a-second... If I didn't know any better, I'd say you both were wanted men?"[/B] She guessed as they appeared to be the criminal types probably accruing a death warrant in a dozen systems by now. Ruusaan couldn't help but chuckle as she made a scene, all eyes in the room were on her so the huntress decided to play dramatic. Music still playing, the ugly, short human growled and yelled at bounty hunter and his partner. He stood up and cursed her to death as he reached for his weapon. [B]"I don't like you! You angry, little, nasty man!"[/B] Ruusaan jeered as she sent the man sprawling out of consciousness with a one punch knock-out. She hoped he forgot his name whenever he would wake up. At this time the Aqualish was scrambling for his weapon, but with his single non-firing arm, he couldn't unholster the weapon. [B]"You know what? I don't like you either... Mister Walrus Man,"[/B] and with a single kick she sent the Aqualish thug into a table of patrons playing of sabacc. Now three more angry Aqualish thugs and two unhappy men appeared reaching for their weapons. The cloaked Kubazian informant was no longer holding a comlink but a hold-out blaster aimed at the renegades. [B]"No, blastersss! No, blastersss!"[/B] The Devaronian hissed as he pulled out a large blaster from under the counter also aimed at the group. Ruusaan suddenly had a bad feeling about this whole brawl thing when they were clearly outgunned. [B]"Any more brilliant ideas?"[/B] she asked the smuggler. Moments after words left her mouth, a small troupe of four pig-like Gamorreans carrying heavy, bone-breaking clubs stepped through the door - [i]Oh, perfect... Teemo's enforcers are here![/i] They blinked their beady little eyes in the gloom, peeering about - and one lets loose a piercing shriek! They've all been spotted! [B]"Hey Sektor, your friends are here,"[/B] the Mandalorian said surrounded by eleven enemies, [i]no doubt things are about to get violent... and messy.[/i] The enemies began their attack.